Chapter 27- Alive in Memory

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The boys made their way back down to dorm after Eli explained to Javier what Mr. D told him earlier. The room was filled with a tense and awkward atmosphere and they both just wanted to get this over with.

"I think you'd better call out Aurum for this."

And so they did, Aurum appears, standing a bit taller now, about an inch, his eyes were trained on Javier, glaring.

"You hurt dad." The dragon said surprising both of men standing before him, their eyes widened and Javier looked away in shame.

What they didn't know was that Aurum was learning rapidly, he spent every day sifting through Eli's thoughts and teaching himself social cues and how to speak, he was a sponge in water.

"Aurum, you can go to bed now, I have something to do." Eli said, feeling a bit unnerved by the gold eyes that lock unto him.



"Nope. Aurum stay with you."

Eli looked at Javier not really knowing how to respond at that, but he nodded his head showing him it's okay.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"No, I'm not, but I feel I have to."

"If you say so... I can't remove the spell, I can only guide you through it."

"That's all I'll need."

Javier sat on the floor crisscross applesauce, holding his arms out for Eli to join him. After getting seated, they connected hands and Javier released a breath, trying to rid his body of all the stress it had been through today.

"What happened to your hand?" Eli asked just now realizing the bandage around it.

"Nothing... You have to identify the seal firstly, it should feel like an itch you can't quite scratch whenever you think about your past." Javier was concerned about Eli not knowing what he did to his hand, asking himself was it even Eli that did it?

"Okay, I'll try." Eli closed his eyes, focusing hard remembering that one dream he had of the people in the fire. He could feel that they were a part of his life, he knew they were his family.

He was in the house again but it hadn't burnt down yet, it felt so... nostalgic. There was a pair of height markers on the wall to the kitchen, with E and Z at the beginning close to the floor.

Plushies were discarded all over the living room along with drawings, awards and trophies, lots of them, the drawings depicting creatures and humans alike.

Then he saw them standing infront of him, two silhouettes, a man and a woman. It was that feeling you get when there was a word on the tip of your tongue but couldn't name it.

"I see two persons."

"Focus on them, use your will to tear down the wall the seal created. Remember them Eli."


The name echoed in his head, where did that nickname even come from? All he knew was that was what he wanted people to call him. The silhouettes started moving backwards away from him and he ran and latched unto one of them.

The scenery changed yet again, he was in a highschool hall where he could hear the faint whispers of students and smell cafeteria food that smelled quite pleasant.

"Eli!" His name was called out and suddenly a pair of arms went around him in a bone crushing hug.

He looked down and saw gorgeous hazel eyes looking up at him and his eyes widen as he stared at the shorter boy, his golden hair cut to his neck, wavy, as he smiled up at him.

Magia: Eli's Awakening (BxB)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα