Chapter 48- Surprise Surprise

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Eli and Javier made their way to the inner ward after he shed the heavy armor. They only encountered one measly guard along the way that laid unconcious by Javier's feet.

Someone was either looking out for Eli and his friends or something was going to go horribly wrong very soon.

The inner ward held the keep which was where Eli had eventually guessed they had been holding Aurum. The tugging sensation in his chest was stronger than ever and it was drawing him to the keep.

The air was quite tense while they ran to the keep. They both had a lot to say but it wasn't the time to talk about feelings, it was time to save Aurum.

They entered the keep and were faced with a flight of stairs that went in both directions.

"Which way?"

Eli walked up to the stairwell and ran his hand across the stone and focused intently on Aurum's exact location, it took a while as the boy's presence was almost none existent but he found it.


Their footsteps echoed as they raced down the stairs. With each step they took downwards the temperature took a step downward as well. When Javier stepped on a particular stair he felt it sink down ever so slightly and he grabbed Eli quickly, pulling him back to his chest to shield him from whatever booby trap they had just set off.

Not even a second later an arrow whizzed across their face.


"Let's try being a bit more careful." His tone was a bit condescending and Eli didn't miss it.

"Excuse me?"

"Eli we don't have time-"

"No. You sound like have something to say, so say it or shut the hell up and let me save Aurum."

Javier's lips pressed together in a thin line and he nodded towards the stairs, not wanting to have this conversation under these circumstances. He would just make a note of what he wanted to say.

They treaded down the stairs carefully, one step at a time to be prepared if they set off another trap. Luckily, they seemed to have missed any other traps that was planted along the steps.

They arrived in a small dungeon, the smell was so pungent that Eli had to fight back a gag when he inhaled it. The shadows casted from the single torched danced as the flame flickered as it burned the oil for sustenance.

Eli wasted no time, running along the cells in hopes of finding Aurum, adding on to the list that Javier needed to talk to him about.

A loud crash took Javier out of his thoughts and he ran along the cells to see Eli crouched over a figure.

Eli wasn't expecting what he encountered in Aurum's cell. A bounteous amount of emotions swirled in his body. The happiness he felt was quickly overriden with the thirst of his rage that was begging to be quenched and the seed of sadness had sprouted into a tree that would know no bounds to growth.

For what these people had done to Aurum they would pay, in blood.

Aurum was covered in lacerations and bruises, his once vibrant blood red hair was matted in dirt and sweat, and while the dim lighting hid most of his face Eli could make out the tears on his face as he cried and clutched at the boy's clothing.

His pale skin was now filled with purple and yellow splotches and a bone was definitely broken but somehow the boy managed to smile up at Eli, through all the pain, all that mattered to Aurum was that he was back with Eli and he was truly happy.

Eli however, grew even more furious when he realized the boy's fangs had been removed and a hot tear slid down his cheek.


Javier kneeled by his side and his eyes widen when he realized the state Aurum was in. How could they have done this to a boy? Aurum's appearance was no more than that of a 12 year old and they did this to him?

Rage was beginning to boil Javier's blood as well and he would ensure that these monsters get what they deserved.

Eli picked Aurum up and the dragon cried out by the sudden motion and with the expression that appeared on Eli's face one would think he was the injured one.

"His body can't handle the strain to go inside the mark. He's stuck like this for now."

Eli couldn't hold him. It wasn't scorn but the fact that his hands that trembled from rage would only cause him pain, so he gently handed him over to Javier and Aurum snuggled his head into the boy's chest desperate for some warmth and comfort.

Eli walked off first, Javier missing the way how his black eyes flashed a bright blue but he didn't miss the raw magicules that were leaking from his body.


"What the hell do you mean?" Ethan didn't have time for this nonsense. He had his scythe at Akira's throat and he was going to kill her.

After what she did, it didn't matter if it were someone just wearing her face, he was going to kill her.

"Ethan, it's me, really me. I was being controlled by the medallion."

"I really don't care, you put my sister in the hospital."

"I know!"

She was crying, she was conscious for every moment of it. It was her very hands that sent the girl she loved into the hospital on her death bed. She had to live every day of her life, watching her sword stab one of her best friends.

Her pain grew considerably worse when she remembered it was her own grandmother that had controlled her like a mindless puppet, she used the medallion to spy on every second of her life. It was a family heirloom, she never took it off.

That was how Morgana had learned of Aurum's existence. Everything had been her fault and she would spend the rest of her life blaming herself, if Ethan decided to lengthen said life.

"I had to watch myself stab the girl I loved, no, the girl I love. I had to watch myself help tortu-" Her eyes widened as she recalled the events that were about to take place.

"Ethan! We have got to go! Kill me later but get Eli and Aurum out of this place, it's a trap!"

Surprise surprise.

Ethan's eyebrows furrowed when he heard that news. He didn't doubt that for a second, but that didn't mean he could let go of the anger he held for the girl infront of him, he knew it was irrational but still even if she wasn't in control of her body, it was still her that had tried to take his sister's life.

"She's right, it is a trap."

Ethan turned around swinging the scythe behind him to whoever was unfortunate enough to sneak up on him. To his surprise the scythe was blocked by the blonde hair boy that had saved his sister and his body instantly reacted to being so close to him.

"It's you, Zeke." Akira said as her eyes widened as she looked between the boys. She knew exactly what kind of bond they shared and she was getting prepared to tell them.

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