Chapter 43- The Lake

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The obsidian chains all over his body were finally losened, revealing chafed skin that was swollen and bleeding. It disgusted Zeke, the odor coming from the boy dragon was quite unpleasant and while he knew they were responsible for it, it didn't make it any less repulsive.

Zeke had ordered two of his men to bathe the dragon which was why his chains were now being loosened, the one around his neck, coming off completely to combat the infections that now riddled the area with sores and blisters.

The men were busy taking off the chains and so they hadn't been watching aurumn closely enough. One of the unlucky men got too close and Aurum's fangs peered out instantly from his mouth and latched on to his neck, ripping out his jugular vein and causing blood to paint the dungeon room they were now in.

Aurum was still through and through a dragon and wouldn't hesitate to protect himself when he felt threatened, which was why a man now laid on the ground bleeding out.

Zeke sighed and ordered the other man to restrain him. He walked up to Aurum and smiled faintly before punching the dragon across it's face, rendering it unconcious. They had been sedating Aurum hourly, while not completely defenseless, he'd have no chance of beating any seasoned fighter.

"Burn the body and clean him up after, we have to finalize the preparations soon."


Eli and Ethan had traveled through most of the city and were now approaching the outskirts which were covered in a thick blanket of snow. The city had been filled to the brim with people, and if one wasn't looking closely enough one would think that they were actually all content, but not Eli.

He could see the misery and jealousy that filled each and every one of their eyes, the way how some parents had tugged their kids along as if they were nothing more than a nuisance, and even the way how they treated the homeless.

He hadn't seen one person during his time in the city turn to a homeless person and offer them anything. It was every man for himself in that city, and that took away from the sheer beauty of it.

The way how they infused modern day technology from the mundane realm and magic from their realm was astounding. The mythical and sensual designs of the buildings would have left anyone pining to see more. That and the fact that it was a city on the coast with beaches close by really emphasized the fact that it was a city for the tourists.

All manner of creatures and beings dwelled in the city, even more than that of the island it was a melting pot of cultures.

They had used a couple warp tiles to shave off a couple hours off their journey, warping to the general direction where Eli felt Aurum's presence. It led them to the outskirts of the city.

The skyscrapers and massive buildings just mere boxes from a distance. The more they traveled in Aurum's direction, that is, northwest, the more winter flora revealed itself.

Soon after, they were surrounded by tall trees that had no leaves and tall grass that was now brown, brittle and dry. The colours of the flowers were not vibrant but looked dull and monotonous.The vegetative life was still beautiful and Ethan had to stop and admire the cycle of life for a bit.

The birds that onced chirped in harmony all went up north, hating the temperatures from the south, leaving only the beating wings of the snow butterflies which acted as muted drumsets. Nature had thrived away from the city, and it would continue to do so as long as it's guardians remained.

Everyone knew better than to travel aimlessly in the these outskirts, all manner of creatures dwelled there and would go to any lengths protect their territory. The further upwards they walked, the more grim the scenery became. The only sound being made was their heavy breathing and the crunching as they waded through snow.

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