Chapter 59- Stay

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The smell of burning flesh permeated the air as Eli ran through the house trying to find someone, anyone. He was trying to prevent the past.

He couldn't believe he had let Javier talk him into this. Eli's nightmares had been getting worst so Javier had casted a spell to help him, or so he said.

He ran to no avail, with every body he found it was far too charred for him even attempt saving. He threw the door open to his room and gasped.

Zeke stood there watching the boy with a smile on his face and Eli threw his arms around him. He tried to pull him away from the fire, to get him out of the house but the boy wouldn't move.


He received no answer, only a broader smile that was borderline demonic. Zeke gripped his arms pulling Eli closer and smashed their lips together. Zeke's lips were cold, and their teeth mashed together with his aggression and Eli tried his best to pull away but he couldn't.

Eli found himself closing his eyes despite his wanting to struggle against the hold. He couldn't control his own body and that terrified him.

The cold lips departed from his and he was finally able to open his eyes. When he did the scenery had changed to a familiar one.

He stood once again on the ocean, under a cloudless sky, the sun shining brightly, making a drop of sweat form and trickle down his face and he moved to wipe it away, his brow furrowing.

Something was different that time. There wasn't just one body in the distance. He squinted and saw two bodies moving towards him and he started walking towards them as well.

He didn't feel threatened, if anything, he felt at ease and far better than he had been in that nightmare he was having.

The bodies finally came into view and he was left with an agape mouth when he saw Aurum standing beside the reflection him.

Aurum was smiling up at the reflection and it smiled down at him too, planting a kiss on his forehead and they looked up at Eli, gold and blue eyes piercing through his very soul.

"Aurum?" Aurum smiled up at him and ran over to him taking his hand in his, making Eli very confused as to what the hell was going on.

"Eli?" Eli spun around to see Javier behind him, looking just as confused. Javier had actually casted a spell to confront whatever it was that Eli had in him and it worked.

"You dare bring another to my realm?" His reflection's voice grew far colder than what he had remembered it to be, face twisting in rage while a storm started to kick up.

The other Eli's eyes glowed, as dark clouds hid the sun and Javier was brought to his knees as a scream tore from his throat as he clutched his head

Eli looked frantically between the two and rushed over to Javier as Aurum took his place beside his reflection once again, pouting up at the figure.

"I had thought you ready, but apparently you are not."

Eli felt an acute pain in his head and it amplified with each second, making his ears ring and blood trickle down his nose as he screamed alongside his love, wishing for the pain to stop.


The waves picked up, a mountain's worth of salt water submerged the boys, kicking them from the domain.

Eli flew awake with a jolt, he felt ten times worse that time. Every muscle in his body ached and his head was throbbing.

A groan garnered his attention and he looked to the side of his bed and saw Javier by there, clutching his head as he wiped blood from his nose.

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