Chapter 38- Motive

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Zeke sat outside the castle still dressed head to toe in that black armor, his wavy blonde hair sitting on shoulders, the wind as still as his posture. He was feeling conflicted and confused for numerous reasons, one of which was that Elijah King had known him, allegedly.

Morgana had said there would be skilled diviners who could read minds but he didn't feel anyone probing in his brain, perhaps he was just that good or maybe, just maybe, Elijah had known him.

However, the latter was impossible. Zeke had never met that boy in his life but yet still there was something so familiar about the name Elijah. Both Elijah and Aurum were supposed to be taken and held under Morgana's orders, he didn't know why they needed Elijah but the Great Dragon went without say.

Another thing that was bothering him was the boy with the silk white hair and expressive grey eyes. He'd never seen eyes like that before, they were the most beautiful pair he'd ever seen. The way how he held his gaze, steel eyes boring into his very core after he healed that girl. He could see the gratitude, confusion and lust clearly in his eyes, there was no need for words when you had eyes like that.

That also led him to think of something else. Why had he saved that girl and why was he that attracted to someone he'd never met? His mind was just filled with questions he knew Morgana would never answer.

Morgana was like a sister to him, she was the one that found him on the streets when he was a baby and raised him into the colonel he was today. He had undergone rigorous training to rank so high in their army.

He pushed off the soft grass, his armor creaking and turned back to look at the castle. It was a medieval styled castle built from stone, their red emblem being flown proudly in the permanent night sky on a white flag. An angel, everything they did was in the name of the gods.

Elijah King. Just who are you?


"I'm disappointed." Eli was confused, his reflection stood in front of him yet again he found himself in this dream-like state. The ocean was not still this time however, and grey storm clouds could be seen in the distance as the identical bodies stood rough ocean surface.

"You let them take him from you." The events of what happened all came flying back and brought Eli to his knees and lightning flashed in the distance with a roar of thunder chasing after it desperately.

"You don't have time to cry boy. Get him back and kill anyone who'd dare stand in your way!" The reflection's blue eyes glowed so brightly Eli had to look away.

He hadn't even gotten the time to process its words when a familiar wave came and crashed into him sending him flying out of the hospital bed and unto the floor.

He was slick with sweat and every muscle in his body hurt, the taste of salt water lingered in the back of his throat, but that was nothing compared to the pain he felt in his chest.

He was cold, shivering. The comfortable warmth and weight of Aurum was missing and it left a gaping hole in his soul, literally. He didn't know how he knew, but Aurum was in pain, he knew exactly where he was and he was going to find him now.

He tried to push up off the floor but every muscle in his body protested the movement. The sound of the door opening alerted him and he looked up a bit too quickly making a sharp pain run through his head.


It was Javier, he was in a wheelchair. The cold feeling he felt intensified, he blamed himself. If only he had waited and formed some kind of plan perhaps the results would have been different, perhaps Zeke and Aurum would be here right now and Javier wouldn't need a wheelchair.

Javier struggled to get out of the chair, the pain almost too much but managed to stand and take a few steps towards Eli his arm outstretched to Eli who hesitantly took it, relishing the warmth coming from the boy.

He managed to pull the boy up and he held him against him, his nose diving into his curls, inhaling his scent. A sigh of relief escaped his mouth happy to be holding Eli again, but that was shortlived as a groan escaped him shortly after and he had to lower himself back into the chair.


"I have to get him back Javier." Eli's throat was dry which made talking hard causing him to cough and Javier handed him the bottle of water he had in his lap.

"We will, but you have to heal first."

"I don't have time to waste! Wait- how long was I out?" Javier looked away, avoiding eye contact like his life depended on it.

"Three days."

"Three days!?"

"Eli calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down Aurum's been gone for three days!"

"That's not our only problem Eli! Akira's evil, Elana and Ms. Tatiana are on death's door and Ethan is a mess!" Eli didn't have a response for that, those things hadn't even crossed his mind the most important thing to him right now was saving Aurum.

"It's a shit show Eli, we can't just drop everything, especially that none of us are at 100% right now we'd only get ourselves killed." The ending comes out as a mere whisper, the truth is Javier didn't know what to do, he only knew that chasing after Aurum right now was not a good plan.

"I can feel him, I know where he is and I can tell he's hurting, I need to get to him."

"I understand that, but all I'm saying is that it'll take time." Eli nodded, faking a smile and slumping down on his bed, the fatigue finally starting to get to him. He now knew what he had to do.

"Get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up." Eli nods again and Javier takes his hand planting a kiss on it that soothed a bit of the frigid feeling Eli had, but it wasn't enough. He let the cold sinking feeling pull him into a dreamless sleep.


The wards had been investigating but they couldn't find a motive. They did find out that the Cellarium had shut down for a total of four seconds which was probably how they had gotten in. The suspects of tampering with the crystal were Akira Nakamoto and Q'avan Spear who had been seen helping the intruders.

The Academy was under fire and outraged and grieving families were at the gates yelling threats filled with malice trying anything to suffuse the void in their hearts from losing their child(ren).

The Academy wasn't under the protection of the GMC seeing as it was a secular institution and chose to leave the gods out of education so the Academy had no backing from the government which was mostly compromised of religious leaders.

However, in this society everyone knew that danger was around every corner, this school was seen as one of the safest places to learn as it was seperated from the mainland, apparently this thought turned out to be wrong.

They had questioned the boys but they couldn't disclose any information about Aurum's existence and they actually didn't know what exactly was their motive as well.

Eli was placed in protective custody as they had tried to kidnap him and no one was sure whether they'd try again and as such two wards were now situated outside his room door.

Mr. Donia sat inside the dull room and he was livid, it was taking everything in him to not reach across that desk and strangle Mr. Spear who just watched him with a knowing smile.

He was being detained with obsidian chains that impeded the flow of magicules in his body rendering him harmless, in that sense so to say.

So far, he couldn't get anything out of the man and his only responses were things that would make a sex worker blush. It was better than what happened with the wards however, who he hadn't spoken to at all.

"This is a waste of time." Mr. Donia says and stands sighing.

"I'll tell you if you give me something in return." He stops turning around looking at the restrained man, a brow quirked up in question.

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