Chapter 33- Missing

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Elana smirked, if her plan worked, which it would, this would be her third win in the tournaments and she would face Javier next round.

Her opponent was a transmuter named Byron. Unluckily for him, Elana knew the ins and outs of transmutation due to her brother being a transmuter. There isn't much that'd be able to surprise her.

She upped her magic output, glimpsing three seconds into the future and saw the boy transmuting the floor beneath her into mud.

She dashed off quickly as he made the motion to transmute the floor and jumped into the air. She positioned her body just right while in mid-air forming an electric bow an arrow, sending a piercing shot directly to the boy's gut.

Unable to withstand the electrocution, Byron gets knocked out providing Elana with another quick flawless victory.


A few students cheered, including Eli and Javier who were sitting in the stands both having won their third match earlier.

If Eli wins his next match, he'll either be facing Javier or Elana to advance in the final four.

"Let's go see if we can catch Akira and Ethan's matches." Eli nodded while signaling to Elana with a finger pointing upwards.

They exited the arena and made their way to the warp tile that would send them to B-floor.

The floors were identical so they knew exactly where they were headed to.

"I wonder who they're fighting." Eli asked while slipping his hand into Javier's shooting the taller boy a smile which was reciprocated.

"Let's hope it's not Brenden."

"Yea, he was pretty strong when I sparred with him."

"He probably held back, he's like the third strongest in our year group afterall." Eli's eyes bulged when he heard that.

"How am I just hearing this!?" He shouted out as he playfully punched Javier's arm.

"He doesn't like it, gives him anxiety so nobody says anything."

"Oh, I've been meaning to ask. Has he always been like that?"

"I guess so, but if you realized, he's a bit more bolder when he's around Leo."

Eli nodded in agreement. They were an odd pair but it seemed to work for Brenden and probably Leo too, at the thought of  Leo's name Eli remembered how he kicked his ass and smirked.

They entered the arena and saw a couple empty seats pretty close down to the field, so they grabbed them without hesitation.

Akira was fighting Brenden and apparently they'd both gotten two hits on each other so the next hit would determine the winner.

Akira raised up three undead skeletal soldiers to assist her, needing some edge to keep up with Brenden's crazy speed.

She ordered them to attack but in an instant they're all shattered into pieces a single bolt of lightning running through them under the control of Brenden.

Brenden was calm. Whenever he was fighting his nerves disappeared, it was as if his mind kicked into survivor mode and all unnecessary information got cut off.

Akira was a formidable opponent, but her downfall was her recklessness and lack of proper defense. Brenden raised his hand and a bolt of electricity crackled through the air smashing into Akira sending her tumbling out of the ring giving the win to Brenden.


She struggled to get up a bit, but managed and walked back over to Brended giving him a handshake and congratulating him on his win, smiling. It freaks out the short boy and his anxiety skyrockets yet again and he runs away from the field, and with his departure left her smile as well.

Akira was on her way back to the locker rooms when she saw Ethan heading to the arena for his match, Eis comfortably resting on his head.

"Looks like you don't have to worry about me anymore."

"You're always a pain in my ass so, yes, I do."

Akira bursted out laughing and patted Ethan on the back wishing him good luck on his upcoming match, he says his thanks and makes his was to the ring. She continued walking to the locker rooms but she never made it.

Ethan took out a bunch of extra bracelets from his bag and placed them on his hand, discarding the bag, each made from a variety of different material. His opponent was Ana from Eli's Abjuration class and he was more than prepared to win this in one go.

The signal was given and Ana created two v-shaped shields on her arms. Eis jumped off Ethan's head and went over to the edge of the circle too lazy to actually support Ethan who just rolled his eyes at the familiar.

Ana charged Ethan and in a split second her shields are blocked with a black scythe Ethan formed from one of his bracelets.

Ana put some distance in between them, not wanting to get too close to that scythe. She didn't think about the fact that her stronger spells were all close ranged and that put her at a disadvantage.

Ethan smiled and threw the scythe into the air while forming two more. The scythes all floated under Ethan's control and he made them attack Ana simultaneously.

Ana was too busy defending against the three scythes to realize that Ethan had teleported behind her and created a pistol aiming directly at her head.

He fired and a magicule impulse is released hitting her dead on and sending her to the floor unconcious.


The students cheered loudly at the display, Eli and Javier standing and whooping loudly for Ethan who shook his head and made his way down to the cafeteria as he was feeling a bit hungry.

Eli and Javier stood, realizing Ethan wasn't heading to the lockers and decided to tag along with him.


Mr. Donia was looking for Tatiana but couldn't find her, her cell was off as well and he was getting a bit worried. They were to meet and discuss if she had made any further findings.

He was currently on the A floor watching Spear referee a match. He knew Spear had something to do with the banshee incident earlier and all he needed is one slip-up to prove it.

He began to turn away but Spear met his gaze shortly and a grin formed on his face, his sinister almond eyes holding a promise. A chill raced up Mr. Donia's back and he ran out of the arena in search of Tatiana.

The tournament continued on while Mr. Donia raced throughout all the floors in order searching for the teacher, no one seemed to have seen her in hours. He even enlisted Eli's and his friends help to cover more ground.

The other teachers in the arena were referring and didn't want to stop the tournament due to one teacher being 'missing' she could've simply gone out for food.

They arrived on the D floor together and split up. Akira and Elana going to check the Arena, Javier and Ethan checking the locker room and Eli and Mr. Donia checking the storage rooms and the halls.

While running past a storage room, Eli heard a muffled groan and signaled to Mr. Donia making the older man stop and turn to him.

"I heard something." Eli slowly approached the door, his hand slowly turning the knob. Mr. Donia was braced and ready to attack if need be, but thankfully there was no need, not yet.

A tied up Tatiana, with bruises forming all over her body, laid on the cold floor partially naked, stripped down to her undergarments.

Her mouth was gagged and a blindfold was placed over her eyes so when she heard the door open she jumped back a bit not knowing who was it that had her in this vulnerable position.

"Tatiana!" She relaxed just a bit a the sound of Mr. Donia's voice and the man dropped to his knees quickly untying her while removing her blindfold and gag.

She was trembling on the floor, it seemed someone spelled her so her body would reach abnormally low temperatures.

Mr. Donia conjured two blankets and wrapped them around her quickly providing her body shelter from the bulging eyes of Eli who stood there in shock.

"D-D-David, S-stop the tournament and evacuate the kids. Someone broke in."

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