Chapter 11- Prodigy

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"Eli, you don't need your wand, also, that condensation thing you did earlier, you can try it again, she'll be fine I promise. Don't hold back anything, she might actually be trying to kill you." Mr. Donia said his smile still present on his face.

Eli was nervous. Scratch that Eli was shaking with nerves, his thoughts are not stable and his arms wouldn't stop trembling. He listened to what Mr. Donia whispered to him but if anything, that makes his nerves worse.

"Calm down, I'm still going to be in the barrier, just a precaution, also, she's a Diviner."

Diviners, those proficient in Divination, abilities including, glimpsing into the future, scrying, and clairvoyance.

"Okay, I'll do my best Mr. D" Eli walked over to his allotted place and waited for Mr. Donia's signal.

The signal was given and instantly, Tatiana ran towards Eli, throwing a magic enhanced fist straight towards his gut. Not expecting such a fast and close ranged attack off the bat, Eli fumbled but managed to throw up his circular shield in front of the area she was going to hit.

Tatiana already saw this coming however and smirked, all the magic that was enhancing her fist disappeared, well better spoken, she moved it and had concentrated it in her foot, which she threw out successfully landing a blow on Eli, that sent him a couple meters away.

"Come on, seriously, after a couple weeks I'd think you'd be able to make a bigger shield than that, brat."

Eli, knew she's just trying to piss him off and decided to play her game, feigning anger he shot up and threw out his palm and sent two blasts of water straight towards her. She anticipated that as well, dodging both the attacks. However, the attacks were a smoke screen, Eli was moving behind the attacks closing the distance to land a hit.

Tatiana full on grinned, and quickly she sent out a blast of fire, directly at the student charging her. Eli shocked, but calm, released a breath and, created a blast of water, concentrating it, the water became as small as a bullet and he sent it directly to her head.

Tatiana shrieked and ducked, not expecting a spell of that caliber to be used by a novice, the spell went on to pierce through the barrier and hit a tree, snapping it into two.

"David! What the hell! Isnt he just a novice?!" She said a hand over her heart to a smirking Mr. Donia who was the definition of proud, standing smugly enjoying the view.

This further pissed off Tatiana and she got a bit more serious, throwing out three blasts of fire and upping her magicule usage to predict any moves this 'novice' will make.

Eli getting a bit too carried away used a huge amount of magicules, to create a shield big and strong enough to tank all the blasts, and sent it forward attempting to get a hit in on the Professor.

Tatiana decided to end it now. She enfused her magicules to her fist and punched the approaching shield bash attack, shattering it into pieces effortlessly, showing Eli just how big a gap there is between their strengths.

She teleported directly behind Eli and he threw up a shield quickly, but his frightened mind prevented him from enfusing enough magicules into the defense, as Tatiana simply punched through it, the enhanced fist heading straight towards Eli's face, which definitely was going to be a knockout hit.

"Tati! It's practice!" Mr. Donia shouted she pulled the fist back an inch before it would've sent Eli back to the infirmary. She tended to lose herself in fighting, her one fault, other than that, she's a near perfect warrior.

"I guess that's all for now, good job Eli, you did well, you're dismissed for the day." He said smiling down at the boy, pride swelling in his chest.

Eli smiled at that and left both teachers at the field and headed back to the dorm with a limp and a slight bruise to his side but still feeling pretty good with himself.

"David, that boy... there's no way he should be growing that quickly, I'd say he's above the second years already." Tatiana said while looking perturbed, straightening out her pantsuit.

"I know, he's a prodigy." Mr. Donia, put on his glasses and invited Tatiana for a walk through the school garden.

The light of the sun hitting the plants at such an angle that they seemed to even glow, a little pathway there, leading up to a fountain that had a statue of the first headmaster.

"It was shocking at first for me as well, but, I've decided to nurture his talent and monitor his growth throughout the school year as well, we have to watch him carefully."

"We? No no no no, I'm not getting dragged into anymore of your messes again. You keep that little brat with you, I'm not getting involved with him any further." She said glaring at Mr. Donia, who simply smiled clearly knowing something she didn't.

"He needs to be nurtured right, if he were to go down a dark path, with his potential and aptitude for learning, he could become someone who's name strikes fear into the hearts of children. I'm not saying it's going to happen, but it's a possibility." He said while adjusting his tie.

"Damnit, why do I always get dragged into your crap." Frustrated she took a hand through her curls and messed up her head a little. Never one to abandon a student, as much as she may act as if she didn't like kids, but she definitely adored them and her profession.

"His family, his house, I don't think it was an accident. I think something much larger is at play, the incident is identical to what happened to the royal family, his family's bodies were missing further proving something else is afoot. You've heard the rumors haven't you?"

"That the prince escaped the fire? Yes, but no traces of evidence to prove that rumor has been found, nothing. You can't possible think-"

"It makes sense Tati." She began to think of what all of this can possible mean, and an uncomfortable silence fell over them both, the beauty of the garden being filled a negative aura by the string of negative thoughts spiralling through the brains of both teachers.


"I'm sorry."

Eli turned his head to meet the guilt filled blue eyes of Javier.

"I shouldn't have behaved the way I did, I know. It's just that, I was going through some things and I took out my frustrations on you, and for that I'm sorry."

Eli looked straight ahead, gazing into those wonderful ocean blue eyes.

"It doesn't take a genius to figure that out, I'm sorry too." He said averting his gaze.

"For what?"

"I still pried, it was none of my business. I was just a little worried." Feeling even more guilty now Javier sighed and sat down on the sofa.

"I'm sorry, I really am, you're my roommate and I'd hope, that you consider me a friend as well, I shouldn't have reacted the way I reacted, you have no reason to apologize."

"Too bad I already did, if you want to make it up to me, you can just buy me one more of those bana-choco smoothies in town again." Eli grinned while looking at the sheer horror that appeared on Javier's face.

"Anything but that, that abomination deserves to be nuked mijo." Eli smiled at the term of endearment and laughed while saying in a sing-song voice, while walking away.

"Then I'm not forgiving you amor." Javier blushed a bit and cleared his throat fighting against the rest of the heat that threatened to rise up.

"That's not fair!" Javier smiled, his heart fluttering a little as he replayed the word in his head over again.


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