Chapter 25- Apologies

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"Can I stay here tonight?"

Ethan was frankly, shocked. He nodded his head slowly while cranking the door open so Eli could slip inside.

"Ethan who is it?" Elana walked around the corner and she pulled up short as she saw the distressed Eli just standing there staring at nothing in particular.

They led him to the couch and set him down. Elana motioned Ethan over into the kitchen area out of Eli's ear shot.

"What happened?"

"I don't know."

"Really... you didn't ask?"

"You haven't either, so you're as bad as I am."

Elana glared at him, before walking back into the living room area and seeing Aurum curled up in Eli's lap clutching at his neck while Eli seemed to be deep in his thoughts.

"Eli... what's wrong?"

"Can you guys get Akira so she can hear it too."

"And Javier?"

"No." The word came out cold and sharp and the twins definitely know now that whatever happened, Javier was involved, which would make sense as to why he wasn't in his own dorm right now.

Elana rang Akira, and in a couple minutes she bursted through the door, a smile on her face, the chains on her hands and her clothes clanging with every step she takes. Her mood plummeted as soon as she felt the tension in the room.

"What happened?" Realizing that this was deathly serious, she didn't even attempt to crack a joke.

And so, Eli explained everything, from waking up in the infirmary with no memories to what transpired today. The mood of the room dampened even further with every word that left his mouth. The comfort Aurum brought to him was appreciated but it wasn't really helping anything.

"Wow... so are you gonna make him give them back?"

"He said he can't and that I am the only one that can get them back myself, whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean."

"Maybe there's some part deep inside of you that doesn't want to remember." Eli looked at Ethan at that, not even having the energy to be offended.

"He may be right Eli, no one would blame you for not wanting to remember."

"I do! I-I do want to... it's just... I'm scared. What if my family is dead? What if I never had a family?" He said, his hand fidgeting with the necklace around his neck until it hit him who it was that gifted it to him and he dropped his hand quickly, as if he'd touched hot metal.

"We can't live our lives with 'what ifs' dictating our choices like that Eli, in this case, it's just a leap you have to take blindly." Akira chimed in a frown on her face.

He sat and pondered what she just said. The worst part out of all of this wasn't that he'd lost his memories, it was that he wasn't even sure if he wanted them back or not. He was happy right now, what if his memories did more harm than good?

"This isn't a decision you make in a couple hours Eli, take all the time you need, we'll all be here for you." Ethan said, surprising not only Eli but his sister as well. Eli's eyes glossed over and he forced a smile nodding his head in agreement.

"I think I should probably tell you guys this now." Akira said looking just as sad as Eli if not more. "My dad died."

Gasps echoed throughout the room and everyone was stunned into silence.

"He died, I guess a little before Samahain. His ghost appeared to me." Akira said her tears falling down her face lightly smudging her mascara.

"That was like two weeks ago, we never even realized. We-"

"It's okay, I didn't want to be a burden to anyone. I'm fine, it's just... Eli, I know how it feels to deal with suffering alone, if you need any help, I'm a call away." Akira said omitting the part where her dad also told her he was murdered and the murderer might be after her.

"Thank you all."

"You should probably get some rest now."

With that, they got him settled on the couch, Aurum snuggling right up to his neck, his small hand going over Eli's chest. Akira headed out and the twins themselves decided they should get an early rest tonight.

Eli couldn't sleep. His thoughts were a jumbled mess and he just wanted to sort them all out. He couldn't really blame Javier for his actions, but he could blame him for not telling him sooner. He didn't even want to think about Mr. D.

Every time he pictured his face the rage started to boil his blood once more and that was when he decided he won't let his life be dictated by anyone else, bad or good memories, they were still his and no one had any right to take them away, with that he set his mind on remembering.


Javier arrived at the dorm to see it vacant. Normally, it wouldn't be noisy but there would atleast be the pitter patter of footsteps, or the soft noise of the tv but all that greeted him today was dead silence, and he hated it.

Eli hated him, and there was nothing he could do about it. Apologizing only went so far, he messed up and he knew it. He was a coward, he knew what he did was wrong, under orders yes, but he disobeyed them and still acted as if he hadn't known anything, out of fear for a bad reaction which in turn led to a bad reaction.

That's painfully ironic.

He laughed quietly, a dry and forced one at first. Then he started to get a bit louder, he didn't even know why he was laughing and at that point tears began to stream down his face, his laugs become soft sobs.

I really fucked this up.

That was the last thought he had before falling asleep on the sofa.

It was early in the morning when he woke up, the house, unlike his thoughts was still empty. He didn't even know where to begin to apologize for what he's done or rather, what he didn't do.

It was a school morning so he took an early cold shower trying to wash away the stress and the mess of emotions that are plaguing him. He got out of the shower and towelled off and went to make breakfast before getting completely dressed.

After eating, he headed back into his room and got ready for the day ahead, slipping on his uniform and brushing his teeth.

He went to open the door and a knock interrupts right as his hand lands on the lock. His heart beat immediately kicked up and he threw the door open looking wide eyed at Eli who was just staring at him with a nonchalant expression on his face, his eyes still a bit red but other than that he looked fine.

Eli couldn't say the same for Javier, his eyes were red and huge bags took residence under them, his hair was extra messy and his skin looked a bit paler and blotchy.

"Hey." Javier said softly, afraid to even raise his voice as if that would make the shorter boy turn tail and run leaving him alone again to stew in his guilt.

"I forgive you."


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