Chapter 19- Samahain

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Groaning as he stretched, the egg pressed against his abdomen. He ran a hand at the smooth silver surface before getting up and starting his day.

It was the first Saturday in November and it was Samahain, the first Witch Festival that Eli would participate in. He threw on a black turtleneck, black jeans, and a brown trenchcoat, his necklace being put on display.

He got up, taking up the egg with both hands and carrying it to the island, placing it in it's own decorated bowl.

"Morning." Eli glanced back to see Javier looking at him smiling, wearing a grey sweatshirt, a brownfleece trenchcoat and some grayish-blue ripped jeans.


"I swear the way you pamper that thing you'd think it's your child."

"Shut up. It's my egg, I can raise it how I want to."

"We don't raise the eggs Eli, we just normally sit them somewhere till they hatch."

"Well I'm not like you."

Javier sighed, but got on making breakfast, some chocolate chip pancakes, eggs and bacon. They both ate their food and got ready to celebrate the holiday.

Samhain was the Witch's holiday that marked the Feast of the Dead, it was when they all came together, make bonefires and feast. It was when the veil of the living and dead was thinnest and as such they celebrated and show their respect to the dead.

It was actually the birth of Halloween, it's said that kids from the realm would open portals and send trickster spirits into the mundane realm and laugh at the chaos they would cause.

The untalented, started to use wardings, like the carved out pumpkins to keep the tricksters at bay, that was how the birth of Halloween came about, basically it was an April's Fools day prank.

The school was making a huge bonefire today and the students and staff would gather around it and feast, after offering some of the food from their plates to the dead. The Necromancers had always enjoyed this particular festival a bit more as they sometimes could see the spirits wandering the plane.

Eli and Javier made their way to the twins' room and knocked waiting for them both to come outside. When they came outside Eli's mouth hit the ground.

Two Elanas were staring at the boys. Both wearing the same thing, a black down jacket hiding a grey blouse and some jeans. Completely identical, except for one thing, that is, you could definitely tell Ethan was the one with the scowl on his face.

"He's been doing this every year since we were kids."

Eli still not over the shock couldn't even formulate a response. Ethan smirked, proud of his shapeshifting abilities.

"No need to blow a fuse mijo."

"Oh shut up puerco."

"Did you teach him spanish?"

"No he already knew it." Javier said and his guilt came back instantly, he'd have thought Eli to have broken through the spell already but still nothing.

"Let's go get Kira."

"I got myself thank you very much." She said smirking, posing in her cropped black hoodie, black skirt and fishnet pantyhose. The gold medallion standing out like a sore thumb.

"How the hell are you wearing that in this weather?"

"I like the cold."

"Okay Elsa, let's go find something to do." Javier said smirking to a now laughing Akira.

The group made there way outside to the fields, which were fully decorated with floating candles burning a plethora of colours, different coloured pumpkins all over, some floating, some on the ground and wreaths hung onto some trees.

There were a few students outside at this hour, the real celebration didn't start until later in the evening. The twins, still looking exactly the same, went off in the direction of some candy stalls, definitely Elana's idea.

Javier chuckled a bit and went to ask Eli if he wanted to check out the shooting stall but saw him standing over to the side with Brenden Jones, a very odd pairing.

"I-I-I wanted-d to ap-pologise."

"For what? It was simple sparring, and wasn't that like a month ago?"

"I know, I couldn't m-muster u-up the will to t-t-talk to you." Brenden said as twiddled his thumbs and looked down at his feet, his dark brown hair fell over his face as he did this.

"It's all good, no harm no foul right? Let's go gets some bana-choco smoothies!"

Jones looked a bit taken aback by the invitation but smiled before blanching when he realized the flavor smoothie Eli said making Eli laugh out loud.

They both went off together leaving Javier and Akira standing there alone.

"Well I'm just gonna-"

"Oh no you don't, you're stuck with me." Akira said smirking, grabbing onto the boys arm. Javier sighed and he mentioned the shooting stall to her and her eyes lit up.

A couple hours later, it got crowded as the sun was going down and the real celebration was beginning. The tables were being brought outside and the members of staff carrying the food and supplies. The bonefire already lit.

The group met up at the bonefire and started arguing over who would taste the best if roasted over said fire. Somehow, they ended up agreeing that Ethan would and he turned his head to stare at the bonefire his cheeks feeling warmed.

A bell rang and the teachers called for all the students to be seated. They all sat, excited for the feast as some students even fasted for the whole day. The dishes all floated over to the respected tables along with the utensils. After a minute or two everyone had a plate in front of them.

"Remember to honor the dead." The first group of students stood, walking to the bonefire and tossing in a portion of their meals before heading back and sitting down.

When everyone had gone, the students picked up their earlier conversations while digging in. A few spirits also came out circling the bonefire dancing and laughing, though not everyone could see or hear them.

"Akira, where'd you get that medallion, it's kinda creepy." She glanced up at Eli and smiled faintly.

"My mom left it for me, her mom gave it to her and her mom before her, it's a family heirloom." Feeling like she needed a breather after thinking about her parents and remembering that her dad could be dead right now, she cleared her throat and excused herself to the bathroom.

While walking back to campus, an eerie feeling crept up her spine, followed by a sudden drop in temperature, she exhaled and her breath is frosted over. It was far too cold for November and she knew something was wrong.

She glanced around but saw nothing and so she turned back around to be startled as she saw a spirit right infront her eyes. Immediately her eyes started to water, her father, he had died.

"Daddy please no." She started to cry, feeling as if the world just stopped rotating.

"It's okay, I'm so so sorry." Her father's ghost said crying as well, his once bright crystal blue eyes were dulled now a pale blue.

"I just couldn't do it, I was weak and a failure as a father."

"Dad it's okay-"

"It's not, I abandoned my baby girl, your mother will hate me."

"She won't." Akira said choking back a sob at the mention of her mother, her father was gone too, she was now an orphan.

"I'm sorry, I can't stay here longer, I came here to warn you, I'm so sorry pumpkin she killed me, and she might be coming for you." And with that her father's spirit faded away into nothingness, leaving a screaming Akira in the middle of the path back to the campus.

Not only was her father murdered, now the murderer was now targeting her.

Let her come, I'll kill the bitch myself.

Magia: Eli's Awakening (BxB)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें