Chapter 3 (We Have To Tell Them.)

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"We should definitely meet up!" Tommy said excitedly.

"Yeah! I've never been to America." Tubbo agreed.

Clay however stayed silent. He didn't know what to say. They wanted to come to America and do a SMP meet up. The idea wasn't bad at all. That wasn't the thing. He would just need to somehow tell them about Allie.

Sapnap hadn't said much ever. It was clear to everyone something was up.

"Is there something wrong with the idea Clay?" Wilbur asked. Clay was zoned out looking at his wall.

"Wait what?" he looked back at the screen where his friends were all looking at him.

"I asked if there was something wrong with the idea."

Clay shook his head: "The idea's great. It would make great content and would be really fun! Definitely, when would you all want to do that?"

The group started talking about the plan. The whole group finally said good bye and left the face time call. Clay sighed walking down the stairs towards the kitchen. Where Allie was sat with Sapnap.

"You need them to know about me?" Allie looked over from her orange juice. It seemed like Nick had told her.

"Thought she ought to know." Nick said absentmindedly. (How did I spell that right? Wow.)

"Yeah, well they all want to meet and probably we will all be here, because we have extra space and hotels would get expensive, if they really want to stay for a month." Clay explained looking at his daughter.

"I guess we need to tell them. They might have to prepare for a light heart attack." she laughed softly. Looking down at her phone.

The two males only nodded. Not knowing how to tell her they weren't weirdos. They didn't think it was a terrible idea to tell their friends. It was a long time that they had known their friends. Maybe it was time they knew.


"Ok so we said we would stay with Clay and Nick right?" Tommy questioned looking at the call. They all nodded.

"Yeah so about that...." Nick trailed off looking at Clay.

"Is there a problem with that?" Wilbur looked at the two confused.

"No, no there's not a problem. We've just got someone else living here as well. Not just the both of us." Clay explained. He didn't know exactly how to tell them.

"Oh my god. Do one of you have a girlfriend?" Niki said her voice peeking.

"No, that's not exactly it." Nick was cut off by Clays quick sentence.

"I've got a 14 year old daughter."


Hello my lovelies!

OOOOOOO cliff hanger!

Anyways please tell me you favourite place on earth.----->

(If you are new here and if you don't know why I ask these questions, it's because I feel like it can help people forget their problems and think of something nice. :) )

Anyways byeeee


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