Chapter 9 (PC)

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"So you have a PC?" Tommy questioned Allie, who was drinking her juice.

"Yup. You want to see it?" raising an eyebrow, she wasn't surprised when Tommy nodded eagerly. Noah and Tubbo got up, walking behind the girl. She led them to her room.

Inside Niki was lying on her bed. She looked up and waved at the group. They waved back and Allie walked around the wall, which led to an extra corner.

"This is sick!" Tubbo gaped at the set up.

"I mean if you count the empty Hello Kitty juice bottles than sure."

"No, this is so cool, what PC do you have. I've never seen one that looks like that." Noah told her. The Pc was a light violet. The set up followed the tone of the colour, however there were mint green and pinky add ons added. Which gave it a unique look.

(A/N: Which of you spell colour with a u or color without a u? Kinda interested.)

„Uhh, we'll you might want to ask dad about it. He told me, but I kinda forgot." the girl admitted. He nodded happily, excited to know more about the PC.

„What games do you have?" Tubbo questioned pressing the on button.

„Uh, Minecraft obviously, that weird raft game, dragon city so that I can beat all the little kids. I've also got Roblox, again to beat small children. Valorant, which is still a work in progress and just lots of steam games." the boys nodded interested in what the girl talked about.

„Why do you need to beat children?" Noah asked, wanting to know the reason behind it.

„When you don't have friends and you're naturally gifted and burnt out at school, whilst doing it online meaning you have endless free time. What else am I supposed to do? I've already picked up knitting, painting, drawing, sewing, which by the way I'm not very good at. However programming and coding on the other hand. That's my special ability."

„Damn." is all Tommy could say.


„Wanna stream?" Tubbo suggested to the group who were sitting on the two beds as Niki had left a while ago, so she could bake with Fundy.

„You guys can borrow my computer. I'll steal dads and code there." Allie told them ready to get up.

„Why not stream with us?" Tommy looked at the girl with pleading full eyes.

The girl shook her head: "Can't the general public doesn't know about me and shouldn't ever really."

„Why not?" Noah asked confused. He was sitting in the small hammock seat which hung from the ceiling.

„Well, it would ruin dads career. Teenage pregnancy and stuff you know. I don't want to ruin it for him."

„I thought he's ok with you being in videos." Tommy said while the other two nodded.

„Well yeah, but I still feel like it'll ruin it. Anyway the password this month is ****, enjoy."

„What do you mean this month?" Tubbo yelled after the girl who was leaving the room.

„I CHANGE IT EVERY MONTH." she yelled back.


Hello my lovelies!

How are we all?

Do you use Make-up? Why or why not? Just interested!

Anyways if it's you birthday today, happy birthday! Thought I'd say that. Cause you never know.

Love you all! Remember that!


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