Chapter 30(Excitement and Nerves)

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Allie's sitting on her bed reading one of her books, when she hears a rushed knock on her door.

"Come in." she calls and George enters the room. He's grinning from ear to ear and seems to be happy as Larry.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Allie asks, as George the let's out, almost a squeal, of excitement.

"Clay just asked me on a date." he announces and then tries to shush Allie, as she jumps up and hugs him in excitement.

"That's amazing! When is it?" she asks, as George just nods along.

"He wants to go tonight already! I don't know what to do, of course I said yes, but I don't know what to wear." George complains, Allie just ignores his complaints and pulls him into his room.

When the two of them entered George's shared room, Nick was sitting at a desk, using his laptop. He looked up and unplugged one of his AirPods. He stared at the two in confusion realising the excitement they were experiencing.

"What's going on?" he asked and the two just grinned.

"Clay just asked me on a date." George whisper shouted.

"Oh. Well get ready then." Nick whisper shouted back, making Allie push George towards the bathroom.

"You go take a shower. I'll get an outfit ready." Allie told him and George did as told, he entered the bathroom and turned the shower on. Shaking in excitement and nerves.

Allie quickly ran into her dads office, making sure to knock in case he was streaming.  Clay called her in and lifted of his right earphone.

"Which Restaurant Are you going to tonight?" Allie asked him and Clay blushed in embarrassment.

"Why do I need to tell you that?" he raised an eyebrow. He had a suspicion, but didn't want to make that known to his daughter.

"You don't. Is it fancy or what are we talking though?"

"Yes it is fancy." Clay clarifies.

"Thank you!" Allie grins and runs back out of the room. Once back in the triple bedroom, Allie opens up the wardrobe, searching for a fancy but casual outfit for George.

She finds a fancy dress shirt and a pair of black trousers. Together it looked quite clean and elegant, but also fresh and new. George reenters the room, a T-shirt and a pair of short on.

"Any luck?" he asks, as Allie hands him a pile of clothing.

"Yup, it's fancy, so a dress shirt, black trousers and black dress shoes. Do you own jewellery?" she explains and then questions.

"A little. There's some in that box." George points to a minuscule box, which Allie doubts has a lot of jewellery in it. Whilst George goes to get changed into the clothes. Allie makes sure her dad is doing the same, as the supposed date, was supposed to start at 6pm.

Clay got up, as Allie told him off for not getting ready and it already being 5:30pm. Clay just reminds her, that guys don't need as long and he would've been fine with 15min. She just mutters an insult and leaves Clay to his own doing.

"Wear some jewellery, it'll help." she tells him and collect the ring and cologne for George up and then hands it to him.

"Put the ring on your middle finger. It makes a better statement." Allie instructs. Nick watched as George got pampered by Allie and complained, that he would like that too. Though Allie just tells him to shut up and get himself a date, if he wants the same treatment.

Once both are done. Allie watches in amusement, as Clay hands George a bouquet, which he straight away puts in a glass full of water and tells Allie to bring it up to his room. Then she smiles, as the two walk off hand in hand out of the house and into the car. She sighs, when she sees the car leave.


Hello my lovelies.

Little reminder, that I have a story called "Legthal Fighting" and I'm trying to get people to read it. So please try it out. It's an enemies to lovers trope.

Do you play an instrument?

Love you all! Bye<3

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