Chapter 18 ('I've kissed tons of girls')

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"Can we not wake her up?" Noah whispered to the two boys. Allie was lying on Tubbos chest. They had all been watching movies after movies.

At some point they were all tired enough to need to sleep and all just fell asleep on top of each other.

Yes, Ranboo was at the bottom, no one was ready for the boy to be at the top and stretch over them all.

The adults had left for the weekend, wanting to go and hang out and maybe get drunk, without worrying about the teens.

"It's too late for that." Allie replied sarcastically. Rubbing her eyes.

"Ok so what are we going to do?" Tubbo asked the group. They had the house to themselves and wanted to know what to do.

"Cooking stream?" Tommy asked tiredly.

"I can't appear dumbarse." Allie pointed out.

"Why don't we just edit videos for the day?" Tubbo suggested. The group agreed, going up to their rooms, to collect their computers and things they would need.

They met back up in the kitchen, all setting up their things. Tommy started his 1000% funnier video, Ranboo went to go plan out his youtooz drop, Tubbo started editing his video where he unboxed packages and Allie started editing Clays video.


"We're going to stream, so just remember that." Tommy told Allie. He didn't want her to accidentally walk in and have a problem on their hands.

"Yup. Call if you start a fire!" she yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Will do!" Tubbo yelled back up.


"See chat, if there were women in this household, they would love me so much." Tommy told the camera.

Allie was watching from her bed. She had ended coding the program a hour ago and just watched the stream as she had nothing better to do.

"I highly doubt that." Ranboo told Tommy looking directly at him.

"How would you know? Mr. girl less." Tommy replied all sassily.

"You've never kissed a girl." Tubbo told him.

"Neither has he!" Tommy protested. However he didn't realise his mistake.

"Did you just admit it? The 'I've kissed so many girls' guy, admits he hasn't kissed one!" Tubbo yelled.

"TUBBO!" Tommy yelled back. Allie just burst out laughing at the moment. She clipped it and posted it on Tommy's clips board. She didn't really care about the consequences. She thought it was hilariously funny in that moment.

"That was a great stream!" Allie told the boys once entering the kitchen.

"Thanks!" Ranboo smiled.

"Btw amazing clip you made their Tubbo." she told the boy, giving him a thumbs up.

"What clip?" he asked confused at what the girl meant.

"The one where Tommy admit the not having kissed a lot of girls." she giggled at the thought of the clip.

"Hey!" Tommy tried defending himself.

"You clipped it?!" Ranboo burst out laughing.
"Course I did." Allie joined in with laughter. Though Tommy protested and tried to defend himself against the three, he soon gave up and joined their laughter and banter.

The night was going to be long.


Hello my lovelies!

Thank you so much for 78k reads. I don't even know what to say anymore.

Personally Ive been a bit upset recently and anxious. Ive had lots of tests and none of them really went well and I need good grades to get to the next school, so I'm a bit stressed and all.

This basically means updates will be inconsistent. Very sorry. :/

If you're going through something similar or anything at all, I hope it gets better!

Remember I love you all!


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