Chapter 26 (Older Brother)

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"I'm gonna stream bedwars with the boys." Tommy told Allie, he turned his head to the right to stare at her instead of his phone. Allie, who was lying next to him on his bed, just nodded and kept staring at her phone.

"I stream in my room." Tommy pointed out again. He was confused why she wasn't asking where to stay.

"I'll stay on the bed." she explained, scrolling through her dads tweets. They were quite entertaining and she quite liked to use them as blackmail on him to get sweets or out of trouble, it was something Nick had taught her.

"But what if you say something." Tommy argued. Allie just grabbed a key from his windowsill and acted as if she was locking her mouth and stayed silent.

"But you won't be able to leave. What'll you do if you're bored?" he questioned yet Allie just pointed towards her 'locked' mouth.

"You can't stay, if anything gets out you and Dream have a problem."

Allie sighed upset: "It'll be fine. I can stay quiet. Otherwise just say I'm your dog Betty or Walter."

"Fine, if you make a noise, then you're not going to do this again." Allie nodded and laid back down, whilst Tommy got up and sat in his chair. He hovered over the go live button and turned to Allie.

"You sure?" she nodded again and with that he pressed the go live button.

"HELLO BOYS!" Tommy said loudly, making Allie jump.

"How are we all? Good? Great! We're playing bedwars with Phil, Tubbo and Wilbur!" he explained to his chat, what was going to happen.

Allie just watched as Tommy played bedwars with his friends. She smiled at how happy he was with his friends and how happy his friends were with him. She had to remind herself, that they were her friends as well and she had to hold in a laugh, as Tommy walked off the edge whilst speedbridging.

Tommy turned to look at her with a warning look, but quickly turned back, as chat started spamming, asking who was there.

Tommy just laughed it off:"No one's there chat. I thought it was my dog. Betty liked to sneak in at times."

Allie giggled quietly, at how Tommy tried to play it off in a cool mannerism. It was funny to her. She kept watching for the whole 3 hours and Tommy tried to keep chat calm, but apparently there was a shadow of Allie on the wall, as the sun set.

When they went to look at Instagram, there were multiple posts about the female shadow in Tommy's webcam.

„Tommy!" Allie yelled into the bathroom, where Tommy was getting dressed after his shower.

„Yeah?" he yelled out of the room.

„There are posts of my shadow on all socials! They think I'm your girlfriend." Allie stated and waited for Tommy's reply.

He opened the door, his hair a soggy mess and his jumper and tracksuit bottoms just looked like they were thrown on.

„We'll figure it out." he stated and pulled her back to his room.

„What do we do?" she asked scrolling through the photos.

„Step 1, turn it off.", he turned her phone off, „Step 2, cuddle."

Tommy pulled her back down onto the bed and hugged her around the stomach. Allie laughed at Tommy's neediness and tried to fluff his wet hair. She watched as Tommy fell asleep and smiled down at him, her older brother.


Hello my lovelies!

It's been a while hasn't it.

I did not proof read this by the way.

How are you guys?

Again thank you so much for 200k reads! I can't believe it. Honestly.

I love you all!
Im proud of you lot!

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