Chapter 10 ("no." "yes.")

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"Let's go ice skating!" George said excited.

"Absolutely not. I am not going on to a slippery field of ice, which reflects my face. Clearly it's from hell." Clay said stubbornly. He hated ie skating. Ever since he went onto a halloween themed ice rink. He had nightmares as a child from it and never tried to skate again.

(A/N: Sorry to anyone who believes in heaven and hell. Please take this as a joke. :D )

"Please, it'd be so much fun." Niki pleaded. Her and George were the ones who came up with the idea.

"We can even take Allie and you don't have to worry about the house burning down!" Wilbur tried to reason with him.

"Take me where? Also, dad or Nick would be the one to burn the house down."

"Ice skating!" Tubbo said excitedly. He really enjoyed the activity and was going to just go with Niki and George if he had to.

"Absolutely not." Allie looked at the group with wide eyes. She seemed to take after her father.

"Why do you both hate it?!" Tubbo said with puppy eyes. He was desperate and no one could say otherwise.

"It's slippery, scary, cursed, dangerous, need I say more."

"Yes, because none of those are true." Tommy entered the conversation, slipping his phone in his back pocket.

"They definitely are."






"Will you two please shut up?" Nick told them. He was standing by the counter, sipping on his drink, waiting for the two, who had become siblings over the past week, to stop bickering.

"No." they said simultaneously. (A/N: I didn't manage to spell that right. Google was needed.)

They both went back to their disagreement. Whilst everyone tried to persuade Clay to let them all go ice skating.

In the end, they voted and obviously the group won and the Klines were forced to look at their supposed doom straight in the face.


"Why?" Allie questioned for the 100th time in the past hour. except now they were actually in front of the ice rink. The Klines....well they were quite worried. The doom gleaming in font of them.

"What if someone sees us?" Clay asked. They hadn't thought about what they would do if their fans found them there and saw a guy with a teenage girl standing with them, whose faces they wouldn't know.

Put two and two together, they would have a quick sneak photo and their goes every secret they had.

"Uhh. Masks? You'll both anyway be by the side holding on for dear life. It'll probably look like you're not even with us." Fundy tried calming the two down.

"Otherwise I guess I'll have a big explanation stream to do." Clay went and gave up, accepting the fact. He was going to get hate the next day, because of some released sneak photo.

"Seems so." Allie agreed with her dad.


"Come on guys! It's not that far." Wilbur tried getting Clay and Allie into the field.That didn't seem to be as easy as they planned it to be. The two were terrified. Of....everything.

"NOT THAT FAR?! THAT'S A GOOD 5 METERS!" Allie yelled. (16 feet)

"Ok, ok, but it's fine. You'll both be fine."

"Absolutely not I'm staying in the corner." Clay told Wilbur.

"Out of the corner Ranboo came sped up with a lot of speed.He went straight towards Allie, picked her up and threw her other his shoulder. Skating around the rink the girl was screaming her head off. She was terrified of falling and any other possibility.

Once Ranboo placed her down. She was dead silent gripping the wall and slowly making her way towards Clay, who wrapped an arm around her, so that she would calm down.

"It was fun." Ranboo tried reasoning with her.

"Bet." Allie said looking straight at him with a joking glare. At the end of the day. The group had managed to successfully get the two across the middle of the rink, by holding their hands.

George and Nick were holding Dream, whilst Tommy and Tubbo held Allie and the others were their hype people.

Not that there was much hype. As the group was trying to not get recognised.


Hello my lovelies!

Wow 700 words!

Anyways so I don't know if I've said, but I'm back in school and updates will be slow. Im not kidding. But I'll try getting stuff out every once in a while. As I know you all seem to be enjoying this book.


Favourite plant?

Mine are butter cups, because of the names. Also cacti and oh so many plants.

Remember I'm proud of you!  Love you guys.

Byeee <3


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