Rosets key story

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Hello,I am Roset ,I am what you would call a pegasus in my world ,which is the world of equestria .
I grew up only a dad and my little sister terra . Due to our mother dying of cancer our dad raised us ,but he raised us with kindness and respect and loved us dearly . My father worked as a soldier at the castle ,always coming home late ,but he made it up to us .before leaving work he sang us a lullaby ,getting a small blue box on it that played and my dad would sing sweetly to us as we would fall asleep .
One morning I had awoken ,and I looked around for my sister ,but strange enough she was not in her bed ,so I quickly looked around the house but she was nowhere to be found ,not even a note was left behind ,which made me worry even more ,so I quickly grabbed my satchel and ran out the house looking around the town . Looking after an hour I came by a strange looking place and found a torn cloth which looked like some oft sisters cloak . Seeing that ,I went into the building and saw a horrible thing before my eyes . My sister was falling into some sort of whirl pool and me worrying I ran in after her ,but being too late it strangely closed off leaving me to fall onto the cold floor .

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