New world

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When I woke up I was in a room with devices in it and a large window . When I tried to stand up I feel back down .
I looked down at myself , and I saw two sticks with flippers or something sticking out of them . Once more I tried to stand up , but I couldn't . Seriously how do these beings stand up in these ?? Again I stood up and this time I was able to stand and when I did I walked toward the glass window that slid open . I carefully stepped out side feeling the dirt and leaves between my other little sticks that were called " toes " walking in the forest i felt as if j was not the only one in the forest . I quickly drew my dagger when I heard a voice behind me ." Hello what are you doing here ?" I turned around and saw a human that was levitating off the ground . Perhaps she was an angel?
" who and what are you ?" I quickly said fear trembling throughout me .
" am Emma and who are you?" She quietly stepped forward , putting her hand forward and putting my dagger away so it wouldn't point at her . " who are you? You don't seem human yourself as much as I'm not." I looked down . She had figured me out. " I'm Roset, and no I'm not from this world ." I put my dagger in my pocket and sighed . " I came here looking for a close relative i mine , what about you?" She quietly averted her eyes back to were she had just walked from. " I'm running away from something...." I tilted my head ." From what ?" She sighed heavily . " none of your concern ." After a while we talked more , and laughed and giggled. From that moment on we became best friends , and before I knew it I had to go back . So I waved good bye and headed to the house .

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