A broken heart

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It was a bright day and everything seemed fine , till I went outside and walked to the city so I could go get some breakfast .
On my way to returning home I saw speedy in the alley talking to robin who I remembered from the first time we met , and from then on we never did meet again. I thought it was strange that they were meeting in a place like that , so I hid myself behind a building and listened closes with the new gear Emma had made and listened in on their conversation.
What I heard made tears come flowing like a waterfall.
Robin: "you got that information you promised about those people in the forest? "
Speedy:"yeah I do here it is "
I looked with a micro camera to see what he was giving him; it was a chip . the same one he had in his bag when he said he wanted to stay at our house for a few ours and rest because he said he was tired .
So many thoughts filled my mind , but I stayed focused on their conversation as they continued.
Robin: "alright this seems like what we needed , thanks for setting the trick , we really did need this ."
Speedy: "yeah no problem and Roset was the easiest to fool out of all of them ; once she was lured in the rest followed."
Robin: "didn't you like her ?"
I stopped the microphone after hearing that sentence , and felt wet tears falling down my cheeks. I was crying and there was no stopping them .

I quickly got up , leaving my bags , and ran off to home tears filling my vision.
I don't know how far went , all I know is when I could see again I was in the deep part of the forest .
There was many flowers where I was ; especially blue daisies ; the ones that made wishes .
Turning my head towards the sky, the moon gleamed brightly and shone . More tears filled my eyes as I turned my head around and saw the oak tree were speedy had taken me that one time and told me his feelings. "Fake ..that's all this was...just a little game.." I clutched my fist and punched the tree several times till the knuckles on my hand felt numb.

I slid myself down and strokes the trees bark and felt something engraved at the bottom of it, and looked to see what it was. In the tree was carved two letters with a heart carved around them. I weakly smiled , but soon brought it back to a frown. "I thought everything was real.." I took my dagger out and carved into the tree a broken heart with small wings . My heart felt like it was being stabbed a million times .

After what seemed forever , I stood up and wiped my mask and put it on , and walked to the house , my expression blank as an unwritten piece of paper.

When I came back Emma was waiting with her arms crossed at the door . "Hey...."she slowly walked up to me and put a hand on my head as if to reveal everything that was in my mind .
She stared into my eyes and gently hugged me , osaris opening the door and also hugging me . " will you be okay?" I looked at both of them , face expressionless. " how did you know ?" Emma smiled a little and took out a micro camera. " whatever one sees , so does the rest. "
Both of them rubbed my shoulder and bright me inside laughing and giggling .
But I didn't change my face , I left it the same way it was . I guess I was afraid to; maybe because I didn't want to show how broken I was and how much the pain felt like broken glass .

I walked inside as they stared back at me and headed up to my room.
After a long while the outside weather begun to rain and thunder loudly. It felt just like the inside of me .
I sat by the window seal and opened the window and looked across the dark across the sky and softly sang my self the lullaby I had heard only so many times .
" wake up my darling, the worlds in danger , wake up for its your time , trust me and know I shall not lie to you...." I softly sang to myself tears filling my eyes and cradling them to close .

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