One by one

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The next morning arose as quickly as it sounded. Loud alarms were spreading throughout the house , and alarms and more , continued to go off .
I ran down stairs to control room and quickly checked to see what was going on . At first I didn't understand what was going on . Neither Emma or osaris were there , but soon understood when I scanned for them in the city.

I jumped up and grabbed my gear and used a special machine osaris made and flew out the window with bright wings on my back .
I went as fast as the wings could carry me and arrived punching threw the ceiling. " oh good your here !" Emma flipped dodging a blast from her opponent .

The building shook and some bricks fell from the ceiling .
I felt something behind me and took my dagger out and turned around and stabbed a metal robot behind me .
More came crawling in and surrounded me , but I fought off all of them .
Finishing them off I turned around to see osaris being tackled and restrained . I quickly ran to him , but no sooner the darkness surrounded me and tried to throw me , but I dodged him quickly.
I grabbed the darks arm and threw him to the ceiling , and ran to osaris ; only to see I was too late . He was stabbed in his chest with a dark sword and thrown into a dark hole . I felt a fire of rage in me and screamed in anger and grabbed the ball the princess gave me , and used it power to clear them out .
I was in pain both physical and emotional .one of my best friends ...were gone. I held in all my tears and leaned on the wall , and sighed heavily . I stood tall and and walked over to Emma who was trembling . I could tell she also saw what had happened . " Roset.....umm the Titans are in the other room and they need medical attention .,." You could hear the weakness in her voice as she spoke softly. I patted her back not really sure how to comfort her . I hugged her and then ran to the Titans where bruises and scars were on them. I quickly used a holographic carrier to bring them to our medic room at our house and treated their wounds .

It seemed like hours as I gave them medical treatment , but the only thing I could think of was osaris and how I would never see him again.
After a few moments of silent thoughts I heard one of the medic beds creak . " where am I...." I turned around and grabbed my clip board and looked over his descriptions and others things . " your at me and my friends medic room..." He looked at him self and tried to lift his arm . " wouldn't try try that is I were you." The moment he tried to lift his arm , he cried in pain . I immediately grabbed a needle filled with pain killers and stabbed his arm with it. Not soon after he calmed down and lowered his arm.

" why did you bring me here?" I sat him up on the bed and applied more medicine to him as he winced in pain. " well Emma doesn't like to leave your kind or any other for dead." I spoke in a cold tone trying to keep most of my feelings in.
" isn't she just as human as you and me?" I felt the urges to chuckle but i silenced it still feeling hurt. " no ....not at all. " I walked over to the one named cyborg , and replaced some of his burned circuits . " are the others okay?" I could hear the sadness in his voice . " they are in the other room , they experienced more damaging burns than you did . " I hooked up another wire into the computer and turned the switch . " what about star fire , is she okay?" I turned around and sighed . " she experienced more .....excruciating Pains.." He clutched his fist which was turning purple , so I quickly opened his fist and put ice on it. " don't worry she's strong and not just physically. " I wrote more things on my notes and saw that his heart monitor rise up. He was thinking about his friends ...... Hehe maybe he would make sure they wouldn't get hurt...

Putting the clip board down i headed to his friends room ; checking their pulses , I found they were as abnormal as I was . " hehe seems I'm not the only alien here .. " I checked what species they were and found the proper remedy for them.
After an hour or more , the rest woke up , but still stayed in their beds .
They all rejoiced together , and they were happy to be together ...... All of them together .....alive...
Sadness festered in me and I wanted to cry , but I kept it in me . I felt a touch on my shoulder and flinched , turning around .
It was Emma , and she wore a solemn expression on her face . " roset don't hide what you feel, if you do , your heart will turn stone cold...." Her eyes were ice cold , but they held more than enough emotion than I had .

My hands trembled and my knees buckled in place . " Emma .....I....he was a good friend...I don't need to cry....there's no need..." I swiftly turned around and returned to the medical rooms .

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