Turning human

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I cried on the cold floor and heard hoof steps behind me and quickly looked up to see who was there . Seeing the princess of the night I quickly got up as she spoke "she made a choice on her own and we are very sorry ..."she spoke quietly as more tears fell off my face ,and I quickly spoke back "what exactly did she decide ?"i spoke fastly so that I wouldn't show the trembling in my voice .she gently put a hood on my shoulder ,and I looked up at her scared of what that would come next ,and she said to calmly "she entered the portal of many worlds and decided to go after the darkness." I looked at her confused ."why would she do that ?"I questioned her so many thoughts going threw my mind ,leaving me so confused . The princess then looked at me and sighed "the day she was born me and my sister knew that her fate was sealed ,that she would try to stop the one thing that was after the magic we protect ,and she wanted to go after it so it wouldn't hurt no pony" I look at her in awe "but why didn't she get me ?she knows I would've helped!"I stop my hoof on the ground angry . "She did not want your help ,thought she could do it on her own ,so she tried to go on her own "she then showed me to a room full of different mirrors reflecting off each other . "What is this room?"I asked touching the side of a mirror ."this is the room of many mirrors ,in one of these mirrors your sister has gone in to chase the darkness ,if you want to get her back ,you will need to defeat the darkness in yourself and then defeat this darkness and save your sister ,do you understand?".i took this all in not think a moment ,I spoke immediately "of course ,do I need to bring anything?". She then brought me to another room and gave me a bag with an object I did not recognize . "What is this ?"I gently touched it ,and she then swatted my hoof ."don't touch it yet ,only touch it at your time of need ."I nodded my head and looked towards the mirrors curiously "so which one do I go in ?"I curiously touched one as the falls wavered ."pick one to go in ,we are very uncertain which one she made it in ,so you will have to travel threw each one to find out ."I sigh and look at a mirror and look in my reflection and jump in and close my eyes, waiting to see what would wait for me on the other side of this mirror .

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