Meeting the titans

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A few weeks later we moved to a house in the forest , that we built together . Of course we put up security and more , to disguise the house .

One day as I walked around the forest , I heard voices of more than one person , and it wasn't of Emma or osaris .
I quickly climbed a tree to get a better view of the ground , and I saw a team of people walking toward our house .
I jumped to another tree and climbed down it and observed from afar . When I tried to get closer I accidentally stepped on a stick and pulled my foot back quickly . " did you hear that?" The one with the dark blue cloak spoke and a black Ora filled her hand . I was slightly impressed , not really afraid. Even when the others took out their weapons I wasn't . I silently stepped forward , making sure that my mask was on . " hello..." I quietly said leaving a blank expression on my face . " who are you? " the guy with black hair and a similar mask to mine , stepped forward. " I don't give my name until the other does , and so I shall ask first who are you?" He seemed quite irritated at first , but the on with green bulbs in her hand spoke up. " I am star fire and this is robin . " she smiled and waved her hand .
The green one squinted his eyes and stepped forward . " I'm beast boy and that's Raven and he's cyborg ." He pointed to the other two who hadn't spoken yet. Robin sighed and looked at me ." Will you tell me who you are now?" I nodded and smiled a bit . " yeah, my name is Roset, I live here in the forest with my friends ." " your friends ?" " oh yeah you can't see it , come with me ." Feeling I could trust them , I walked to the tree house , and entered the code , And opened the door to the stairs ." Up you go ." I extended my hand and let them go in before me .
They all looked at each other , and one by one , stepped in .
When I walked up the stairs I heard whispering among them , so I stopped and looked at them ." Look if you don't trust me why don't you just leave , I don't trust you anymore than you do me ." I smiled wistfully and then headed up the stairs .
" I'm home!" I yelled , and when I did Emma came running . " there you are I was starting I get worried , what were you up to?" I slid away and showed her the team behind me . " I found these people in the woods for no reason , so I decided to bring them in . "

Emma shrugged her shoulders and walked to the living room . " go ahead and explore you guys , but no going in our rooms , and just to make sure , Roset , give them a tour . " I sighed in agony ." Why me , I already showed them into the house !" I whined like I was six. " get over it plus you know the house better ." She smirked , and I stuck my tongue out at her like I was five.

As I was told to do , I showed them around the halls , carefully making sure they didn't touch anything . When u walked past the bedrooms , beast boy decided that he would look into Emma's room and touch her things . When she saw him , she tackled him and lectured him on personal privacy , and how he could've ended the world if he would've broken any of those bottles .
As I moved further along to the weaponry room , I had thought I had all of them with me , only to turn back to see the one called robin gone . Aggravated , I looked for him and found him in my room staring at a picture ."what in the wide world of Equestria are you doing in my room?!?!" I so badly wanted to slap him , but he looked at me with his arms crossed . " why are you in a picture with terra ." He asked it with a solemn face. " oh...." I quietly looked at the picture and held it close to me . " I think you have over looked your stay ..." I gritted my teeth and grabbed all them and shoved them out the door .
Walking back inside and locking the doors , Emma walked up to my and hugged me . " I know you don't like discussing your sister , but they could've helped , they even knew her name ." She pulled away from the hug and looked at me , but I didn't look at her , I was too sad to listen. " I'm sorry I guess my emotions took over ." She sighed and walked away .
After a moment a thought I walked to my room and looked at the picture of me and my sister . That day this picture was taken. It was such a happy day. So much had changed between then and now and it separated us.
Tears welled up in my eyes and I didn't feel like stopping . I took my mask and cried what seemed like hours , and fell asleep , dreaming what it would be like if none of it ever happened .

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