Key one

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That night I headed to bed , and fell asleep immediately as I hit the pillow .

Not long after I saw darkness and a little light glinted not too far from me . It was so beautiful , I just felt an urge to touch it. I slowly walked toward the light , but it seemed to get farther I tried to touch it . Finally after a while the light stopped and I was able to touch it. When it touched it I noticed I had a hoof instead of a hand . It was strange , but it felt nice . I placed my hoof under the light and not a moment after a key was placed there . It was a dark blue color . Almost a the color of mystery .
" hello roset ." I turned around to see the princess standing there . " oh hello princess . " I immediately curtsied to her . " raise your head , there's much more that is need to be told . "
" what is it princess ?" She looked at the key I had and pointed to it. " the key you hold before you is one that will help you on your journey , but you must be swift and quick. The darkness has a plan and it seems to be targeting you , so be quick . " not long after she spoke , the world around me began to fall into pieces .

I opened my eyes and saw a familiar ceiling . I was back in the human world.....and sadly I had hands again.
I felt a cold thing in my hand and opened it. The key from my dream; I had it. Well you know what they say, dreams do come true .
I got up from the bed and placed the key in a small box , and then put a lock on it.
I thought about the key, and strangely enough it made me think of osaris. The appearance of the key and how the color glowed . Maybe it was just me but it seemed almost alive .
I put the though aside and headed to the kitchen . As usual music filled the kitchen and the smell of eggs and hay filled my nose . Emma always knew what I liked for breakfast, and she was the only one that under stood me .

I grabbed a plate of breakfast and sat down on the sofa looking at the computer . " what in the world is she eating ??" I heard a strange voice not far from me and realized that beast boy was standing there . " oh hi , I'm just eating what I usually have . " I slowly drank my water as his face held a confused composition.
" why are you eating hay for breakfast isn't that for horses and ponies? " I smiled and turned to him . " well yes of course what else can I be ?" His face turned embarrassed , and he transformed into a bird and flew to the counter . I smiled and set my breakfast down and walked over to him and checked his wounds ; and surprisingly they were healing at a fast rate . But that was not surprise considering he was an animal shape shifter . " Hmm seems like your getting along well , I better check the others . " I swiftly got up when I felt a tug at my arm . " Ummm do you think terra will come back to us ?" Beast boys face was sad and he avoided my eyes . I felt he must of had a connection with her , because you don't give that kind of look about someone unless they were special to you . Kind of like how robin was talking about starfire ; almost the same face .
" I don't know...she's my sister and my best friend, so I know we'll get her back . " I gently patted his head and walked to the medical room ; Grabbing medicine and other papers and such.

Opening the door, Raven and star fire were both levitating on their beds asleep . Earlier yesterday when they were awake they couldn't control their movements and I ended up having to apply some snooze medicine . Something must have been put on them , because no one usually acts like that unless something was put on them. I thought for a few moments and decided to take a few DNA samples from both of them. " hmm...." The door behind me creaked and as I turned around I was tackled by a pair of two strong arms that latched onto my neck. Star fire had woken up.
I thought I was going to lose consciousness till I quickly grabbed a anti- toxin that would calm star fire down . Gently and slowly she finally eased her grip on me and I was able to breathe. She kneeled onto the floor breathing heavily and passed out . " you sure are trouble star..." I picked her up and set her back down on her bed and chained one of her arms to the wall , and maybe that way I would be safe .
Not soon after that Raven woke up , but surprisingly she was calm and didn't try to hurt me . Thank celestia for that .

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