The fight

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All night we worked on the weapons to make them look normal . When we finished , I let my friends sleep , but I had to return to the school. Silently I grabbed my bag , putting the books except for one in my bag and left this tree house . In the middle of the forest, I stopped myself. I could feel a dark presence near me , and it felt the same thing , when I had faced the darkness . I knew I was alone , and I didn't have any weapons with me , except for the ball the princess have me . Of all things not to bring , why couldn't I bring something else ?

A dark voice spoke behind me , touching my shoulder ," ......your alone "
When I saw it form , I thought my breathe was stolen from me .
He had a metal mask ; one side was black and the other was a bronze color.
"'s funny.....last time you thought you defeated me...." He quickly choked my neck , leaving it hard to breathe . " but you won't be able to this time...." I could feel my sight start to fade . But I soon gained it back as I kicked his feet from under him. I figured if he took human form , he might as well feel human. When I seemed lost on what to do , a sword appeared in my hand , with a bright glowing light surrounding it, I could feel the magical essence in it .
" it's seems.....your sword...has found" The darkness slowly stood up and took out two dark swords . " well , if it's mine , then let's see what it can do ." I took my stance ; but before I continued , osaris and the man from yesterday and Emma , both ran to my side . " sorry we are late ." The man in the Orange hair walked forward , and also pointed his sword at the darkness and as did the other two . " thanks...." I smiled and then looked back at the formed dark . The darkness sighed heavily and put his swords down."it seems.....that it is an uneven...match....." It slowly began to back away ." time ....."

" Not yet!" I ran after it and stabbed my sword in its back .the dark smiled and twisted it's head to face me." I may be in human form....but I can still make nightmares .." It's hand touched my head and instantly I could feel a sharp pain in my head and all I could see was black .... And a tiny person in the distance. I walked forward to see who it was and I was so relieved to see my sister that I ran full steam ahead ..only to realize she wasn't real..

As I tried to touch her she looked at me tears and red in her eyes . "Why....why?!"she grabbed me her face turning darker. " why can't I do anything on my own !? I am not a child anymore !" She grabbed my throat and a sword appeared in her hoofs ." Since I can't be older.... I be the older only child ! " she threw her sword at me and all I could do was embrace for impact . Suddenly , light filled the place , and white was all around .
I opened my eyes and saw ; mom.
" hey I'm here it was all a night mare okay I'm here ...." she slowly Stroked my mane in the dark. We were both ponies , and I looked at myself and then looked up at mom. " mom.... Please let me stay with you ." She shook her head . " no look after your sister , and find her . Don't worry your friends are here , they are outside waiting , all you have to do is wake up." I cried like I was four , and hugged my mom close .
" but why can I stay with you?it can be like old times...." I closed my eyes and my mom lifted my head ." Look at me , fear is not something to run away from , it's something to chase after , and right now your sister need you more than ever . " I nodded my head ." Okay mom... I love you..." I hugged her one last time , and opened my eyes .

" Roset!" I could hear my name being called several times . I opened my eyes and looked at my self ; I was human again. " oh great I'm this creature again..." I said and sighed and quickly looked around . " oh good your awake .." Osaris looked away from me irritated . " what happened? Where's that other guy?" Emma looked at me ." He had to go , he said he would see you later though ." Osaris , still looking irritated, spoke ,"do humans seem like bad creatures to you?" I giggled ,"no I just don't see how they walk on these sticks every day without falling ." Me and Emma both laughed while osaris just breathed a heavy sigh . " alright we need to go to the next world and its time to go." Emma stood up and grabbed my arm to help me to my feet . She quickly took out a small device and as she threw it to the ground , a portal opened . Osaris looked at both of us ," Ummm , ladies first?" He jest urged to the portal and I rolled my eyes . Emma quickly shoves him in first with his bag . " men sometimes .." Emma giggled and jumped in . I looked back at the forest and then looked at the portal. " never be afraid ..." With that thought in my mind I jumped in , taking my bag with me closing my eyes .

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