Three by three

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When I woke up , I felt something cold in my hand . As I sat up and opened my hand , a golden key with green and red gems decorated it beautifully . I looked next to me and saw speedy was next to me and thought of something . That was it , everything made sense at that moment and it wasn't going to be pretty , but it will work out .
I carefully got up and ran to the tree house carrying the key up to the other ones . I opened my room and took out the small chest that held the other rooms . When I opened the chest , the other keys shone bright flowing with life in them, and they were alive .
I placed the last key with the others and when I did I felt a bright light surge inside me . My eyes shone , and I felt everything change .
Nothing was the same , and I knew it was time for me to do what my friends did ; complete my destiny .

Using my wings for what I Felt would be my last time , I headed to the last destination a would be at for a long while ; the shredded ware house .
I was scared at first , but I calmed myself and walked in fearless emotions on my face . As I walked in desperation and the sound of clanking metals filled the room . I know I thought I was being crazy , but I knew it was also my last mission to save the ones I loved .
Metal foot steps filled my ears from behind and as I turned around , I saw my sister a blank expression on her face with tears streaming down her cheeks . " sis....please ....I don't want to...." She held a weapon close to her as her fist trembled . " don't worry ...I'm prepared to face anything for you ..." I lowered my head and took my mask off . I knew I wouldn't need it for this battle . Even if it was my last...
I stepped fowatd and heard a door bust down , and a shadow appear behind me . Speedy had busted in and the dark had put a dagger to my throat from behind me . A perfect trick ....
" put the knife down!" He look at the darkness as surprise was put on his face . "Roset?is that you?" He moved closer only to have the darkness point it more into my throat . " yeah ....its me...go...." He kept his face strait , taking his mask off as well. That's when I finally knew who it was , and why I remembered him . Speedy was the man that had met me the first time I had gone world traveling , the one who kept kissing my ear . At that moment I knew what had to be done.
But speedy ran towards me and the dark cut my throat and terra was finally able to be free and put the dark in a portal to a car place .

I felt myself lose conciseness as everything seemed to fade . But my head was lifted up by something that was crying . Speedy was holding me in his arms crying , putting his forehead on mine . " Roset why...did you do this...." His words were shaking like a Avalanche . " it was ....*cough* part of the plan...." I smiled weakly and handed speedy the box with the keys in it . " we will.....see ....each other again...........
I closed my eyes and felt everything fade off into a dream as I woke up into my world of stone....

Thanks guys this book was awesome to write and I will be working on the second one soon so don't worry it will be done soon and I will have it up ! Thank you all for reading the first ! I hope you liked it !
Sincerely ~Elisabeth Pinkston

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