New school

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I breathed a heavy sigh and looked up at the school gates ,and also looking at the school name . " Seika high school huh...." I walked in seeing other students in the yard talking ,when some of them drew their attention to me . Walking for a little while keeping my head down ,I bumped into something and when I looked up , it seemed to be a guy with ruff brown hair ,and light eyes ,with a scar under one of them . "Oh excuse me ." I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm and slowly opened his mouth ."umm do I know you?"I looked at him and tilted my head ."umm no and I have to go sorry."I shook his hand off and ran inside as quick as I could ,only to have more men stop me . "Alright all of you move !" I tried to push my way threw ,but they made a circle around me , crossing their arms smiling ." If you won't let me through......"I grabbed one of their necks and threw them far over the fence of the school . "I will..."then scared they all ran off except for a guy with blonde hair who was staring at me curiously .

I decided just to shrug it off and walk inside to the office to get what osaris called ," a class schedule " . So I headed inside and headed into the tall doors .

A few minuets of being in the office ,I had my schedule in Hand ,and walked to my correct class . " hmm class 2-......"
I opened the sliding door and saw many students in the room chatting . They all brought their attention to me though,as I walked in the room, which made me feel uncomfortable .
As I sat down in a seat , a girl came up to me and stared at me . She had dark black hair , and orange eyes , with her uniform to match . " hello I am misaki , welcome to Seika high ." She smile brightly , and shook my hand . " umm it's nice to be here but ,the guys keep staring at me for some reason ." I looked back at then men that were chatting and looking at me . " oh don't bother about them , they just don't see a lot of new girls here ,it used to be an all guys school." She glared at them intensely , and they ran off in fear ; I couldn't help but giggle at that .

After class started , I looked out the window most of the time . A bright red flower was growing on the brick and I couldn't help but smile at it .
It reminded me of when me and my sister terra were little , and I closed my eyes thinking of the memory .

Flash back :
" sissy sissy look at what I found !" Terra came out the garden ,galloping happily , and carrying a little red flower in her hoof . " oh it's so pretty.." I smiled and remembered that it was moms favorite flower ; roses .
" how did you find it ?" I slowly walked up to her smiling . " it was in the middle and it was the only rose left alive !" She exclaimed happily . " well let's put it in a vase , so that way it will stay pretty ." I walk to the kitchen and grab a vase from under the cabinet , and then put it on the table. Terra put the flower in and smiled . " I hope mom sees this flower...."a single tear fell from her face . I hugged her close,"as long as I'm here so is mom."

Remembering that , I felt tears would come to my eyes , but I was glad I was wearing the mask ,or someone might have seen my tears .
As the bell rang i headed to the library . As I opened the door , I felt a magical essence in the room . The first step i too in the room ,some books came off the shelf and headed strait for me and formed into swords ! I ducked and kicked the books to dust. I looked around as more books formed in front of me and opened their pages , showing the maps of different worlds. "This is too strange .." I looked at the books and carefully put them in my bag to look at later and as the bell rung , I began to head back to the tree house .

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