chapter ten

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For the rest of the day, Draco noted Hermione's nasty, menacing stares. By now she'd figured out that he had been the one to steal her book, and with the company of Ginny and Luna, she'd had no opportunity to approach him for it.

Despite knowing there was an upcoming project, Draco skipped astronomy after dinner to draw.

To draw something special.

He'd been reading in between every class, disregarding Pansy's questioning as to where he got the book from from, and was now on chapter seventeen, where things were quickly escalating.

He read all of her annotations, reactions and vivid emotions on the pages, which words she underlined, which characters she disliked.

He's found her favorite scene.

And fuck was it inappropriate.

He knew she would return for it tonight, so Draco decided he would provide her with a bit of... visualization.

On a piece of scrap piece of parchment, just small enough to fit inside it's pages, Draco depicted the explicit words in his own way.

It was a dainty sketch of a beautiful a girl splayed out over a desk with her hands tied behind her back, long curls knotted into the male's hand like a leash as he pounded into her over and over again. He left the entire picture in pencil, black and white, other than the redness of her cheeks and a hand print engraved against her ass.

Despite the harshness of the illustration, Draco had managed to add a certain softness to the visuals. The girl's soft skin, the loving touch of the male; he glanced at her annotation, I want someone to do this to me.

"Naughty, Granger..." Draco murmured whilst shaking his head, wholeheartedly wishing he could eventually be that someone, "I'd love to fucking ruin you."

The art piece now complete, etching in the finishing touches, Draco placed the drawing in between the scene's pages, shutting the book closed.

Draco fell asleep with it by his side, not hearing her practical stomps as she returned to her dormitory, nor the slam of her door.

"Malfoy!" She hissed angrily through the hole in the wall, "Give me my fucking book back, I swear to Merlin I'll gut you!"

Draco snored.

"Ugh!" Hermione groaned, debating whether she should scream and wake him from his peaceful slumber. Then he'd have to suffer with her.

Deciding against it, not wanting to wake the other slytherins sleeping in the dormitory, Hermione plopped onto her bed with crossed arms and an adrenaline pumping heart.


Wednesday September 10th, 5am

Draco woke early, so early the moon still sat still in the sky above the lake's surface. The sun would rise in an hour and the white ball of light would disappear, but for now, he was alone.

Draco rubbed his eyes as he made his way to the bathroom, unclothed himself, turned the shower onto it's coldest setting and stepped into the icy water.

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