chapter fifteen

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September 25th

"Would you like to tell me why I saw you leaving Granger's bedroom last night?"

Draco paused, standing perfectly still in the middle of the hallway. Blaise was catching up to him at a quick pace, and that phrase had raised the hairs on his neck and sent fireworks shooting rapidly through his stomach.

"How the fuck-"

"You sure as hell looked like you had a good shag, mate," Blaise slung an arm around his blonde friend, book bag hanging lazily off of one shoulder as he walked with a big smile.

"What? No, that's not what happened, I-"

"Your shirt was wrinkled, I could've sworn your belt was unbuckled-"

"No," Draco cut him off sharply, shaking his head. He wouldn't allow Blaise's made up fantasies to leak into his own mind. To mix dangerously with the fantasies he already had.

"I saw her clothes on the floor, and if that's not convincing enough I heard you say, 'holy fuck, Granger!'" Blaise mocked him with a high pitched moaning voice, face scrunched in fake pleasure.

Draco rolled his eyes, "That phrase could be taken in so many different ways-"

"Yeah, I bet she took you in a lot of different ways-"

"For fuck's sake, Blaise, We didn't fuck!"

Heads raised in interest from benches in the corridors as they trudged to herbology. Just another rumor to add to his already long list of blackmail material.

"Some hufflepuff twats poured water on me yesterday at breakfast, and my shirt got all fucked up," Draco mumbled in heated embarrassment, "He was blonde too."

"That must've been a jab to the ribs. I'm telling you Malfoy, they're trying to steal your brand!" Blaise exclaimed sarcastically, nudging him in the ribs, "You should do it back but with something shit, like maple syrup, or pumpkin juice, or-"


Blaise's sentence was finished by Theodore, who'd approached from his other side with a wide smile.

"Fucking disgusting," Draco gagged, "You're gonna make me come off as some sort of twink-"

"I thought we were talking about sticky things," Theodore frowned, glancing down at the polaroid he kept in his wallet of his girlfriend topless, "Who's a twink?"

"Draco fucked Granger," Blaise interrupted, staring at Theodore with a devilish smile as they got closer and closer to the greenhouses, stepping out of the castle and into the evening light.

"Oh shit! Was she loud?"

"Stop!" Draco groaned, "I did not fuck Granger! I have never fucked Granger, I will never fuck Granger-"

All three of them stopped in their tracks when she rounded the corner, curls a mess and freckles dusted perfectly across her nose. It was as though he'd dipped a paint brush in brown paint before grazing it with his thumb, causing speckles to dance beneath her eyes.

Blaise shoved him forwards, closing the space between them.

"What's all this talk about fucking me?" Hermione asked slyly, brow quirked in keen interest, "Have you been spreading rumors about me, Malfoy?"

Draco's heart began to palpitate. Salazar, he was screwed. He'd fucked it up again, just like last time, and the thousands of times before that.

"What? No, I just-"

Hermione tore her attention away from Draco, much to his relief. Any later he would've begun stuttering. He was already halfway into a panic attack.

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