chapter twenty five

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You would think he was a hufflepuff the way Draco Malfoy walked into Headmistress McGonagall's office after leaving the hospital wing.

She looked up at him menacingly as he knocked upon the door frame, as though she'd sensed his presence before he could even reveal himself.

"Enter, Mister Malfoy."

He didn't say a word as he walked silently towards her desk.

"Sit down."

"I think I'd prefer to stand-"

"Sit. Down."

He flushed red in embarrassment, fighting the urge to roll his eyes to satisfy the devil on his shoulder that'd been coaxed quiet in the past three months.

The chair screeched against the floorboards as he dragged it backwards, sitting in it with a plop and running his fingers across the red stained arms to appear utterly bored.

He was a terrible actor.

"Professor Evergreen has notified me that you are making... erm — progress, in your muggle studies class."

He scoffed, knowing he wasn't only awful at the subject but now that his professors were ridiculing his abilities as a student.

"She seemed quite shocked to see that this girl you were supposedly doing this for was Miss Granger, as she has made quite the name for herself towards both the Ministry and in The Daily Prophet."

He shrugged, legs itching to carry him elsewhere, "I guess."

"Although I'm quite skeptical of your intentions, Mister Malfoy, certainly your efforts in muggle studies has strengthened what little faith I have in you. Professor Evergreen has in fact told me that she notices your growing passion for the subject, and that you submitted a lovely art piece which earned you an exceeds expectations, am I correct?"

She tapped her nails against the table before adjusting her hat, watching him with owl eyes.

"It should've been an outstanding," Draco murmured beneath his breath, staring intently at the lamp on her desk, "Is there a reason I'm here, or may I go, Headmistress?"

"Just one more thing," she exclaimed, and her tone seemed to darken right before his very eyes, "I am not here to judge you, Mister Malfoy, but should you be using Miss Granger by means of advancement in your education, future job opportunities, and to cleanse your filthy reputation I must advise you against it-"


He interrupted her, mouth agape and eyebrows furrowed in both confusion and hurt.

"I do not mean to offend you, Mister Malfoy, but I must take precautions regarding you and your slytherin counterparts presence in this castle-"

Draco stood from his chair, fists balled as his nails dug painfully into his white skin, "I bloody kissed her in sixth year and you dare question my intentions?! As though I've been scheming for two bloody years?! Well I hate to disappoint, but the fondness was already there! It's not my fault nobody bothered to notice anything!"

Professor McGonagall stood right after him as he soared for the door, "Collect yourself, Mister Malfoy!"

The door shut in his face with a burst of magic before he could leave, fist on the handle.

"I am not done."

Draco turned with absolute annoyance, rage simmering in his gut, "What else on earth could you possibly want from me that isn't a complete and utter bother-"

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