chapter thirteen

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September 22nd, 6pm

Draco awoke in a cot.

There was a severe pounding in his head, as though he'd taken a terrible beating.

Through one eye, the other presumably swollen shut, he saw both Seamus and Dean in beds across the room, recovering from injuries him and his best friend had inflicted upon them out of spite.

Whether they were asleep or knocked out, he could not tell.

Draco startled as a being moved at his side.

"You can be expecting quite the scolding in the next few minutes," Madam Pomfrey piped with a tone that wasn't quite pleasant, "I thought you might want a little forewarning."

Draco groaned, light too sensitive to his one open eye, the skin around the other's purple surface burning at the touch of his fingertips.

"Don't be dramatic, boy," she scoffed, pouring another potion down his throat, forcing him to swallow the contents before he could throw it up, "The effects should kick in before you get your... Well, I'm not sure I should speak on such matters."

He was no longer listening, as she was standing in the doorway. The ache in his bones slowly began to fade away.

Her mouth dropped when she saw his face, wincing in horror before shrugging him an apology. It was interesting, how they could communicate without words, despite having spent such little time together as friends.

Friends was a word that tasted strange in his mouth. Bittersweet. Draco licked his lips.

"I should not expect such petty behavior from my eldest students!" Headmistress McGonagall shrieked, crossing her arms defiantly as she stormed into the room past Hermione, waking Seamus and Dean, "I am extremely disappointed in all of you!"

Hermione stood behind the doorframe, observing. She had not been involved, and due to her transparency, had been dismissed from the incident.

"You should be yelling at Parkinson," Seamus exclaimed, still half asleep, pointing his finger towards Pansy who sat across the room on a cot with her legs dangling off one side, "She's the one who started it."

"You git!" Pansy scowled, nose scrunched as Ginny tended to the bruises on her knuckles.

How had they become friends again?

"If I could remind you Mister Finnegan, you made a direct threat against your fellow student," Professor McGonagall spoke strictly, "That is most certainly against school rules."

"Theodore threw the first punch," Dean seethed from besides Seamus.

The shaggy haired brunette sat near Pansy with a slight smirk on his lips. He most definitely didn't regret what he'd done, in fact he must've been waiting for years to punch him by the look on his face.

"First you threatened to poison my girlfriend, then you decided to say some real mean shit to Granger," Theodore snarled, placing an arm around Pansy's waist.

"Language, Mister Nott!" Headmistress McGonagall sighed, shaking her head, "What was this foul insult you speak of?"

"He called me a slut, Professor," Hermione called out, entering the room with crossed arms, her grey slippers shuffling against the cold tile, "That's the only reason Malfoy punched him. Honestly Dean, I'm surprised you didn't see it coming."

Professor McGonagall gasped, trying to hide her surprise at the realization that Draco had committed a valorous act, "Is this true, Mister Thomas?"

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ