chapter forty

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"Hopefully Harry will give us more-" her voice stuttered as she squirmed under his hold, breathing growing heavy as he kissed at her neck from behind, hands gripping at her waist, "...Information-"

"Mhm..." he drawled, humming into her skin, showing his disdain for her bringing up the topic of Potter by biting down on her neck. She let out a broken moan.

"I'm hoping to understand exactly — what assignment... he's here on, fucking hell," she spoke, exasperated as he tightened her hold on her hips and ground her arse right into his hips. His aggression at his name didn't seem to get the point across. Perhaps she liked it.

He was about to reach for her breasts beneath his t-shirt that drowned her when a knock rang out on the door.

"You two are late!" Pansy shouted through the wood in a high pitched sing-song voice, "Quit shagging and hurry to my room, now!"

Draco glanced to the clock, letting her go and pushing his hair from his eyes, "Shit-"

"Draco," Hermione searched the floor of his dormitory, "Where are my pants?"

He pointed.

"Come on, quickly, go, go!" Pansy hurried them out the moment the door opened, smacking each of them once on the bum as they sped walked towards Theodore's dormitory.

Everyone was already in night wear, considering it was so late. Hermione insisted Draco wear something more comfortable, but he settled on a tight black t-shirt and flannels. If Potter were to actually show up, he wanted muscle showing.

"Look who finally decided to show!" Blaise exclaimed sarcastically, crossing his arms as they both sit down beside one another on the floorboards.

"So, Granger," Theodore murmured, a blunt between his lips, "What all did Sir Chosen One say during your post potions fiasco?"

"So..." Hermione began, cheeks still flushed and skin hot, "Harry is here on assignment, although he claims he doesn't want to be. He says that the Ministry wants him showing the strength of their alliance with The Order. He's doing whatever they say to keep his job."

"Fucking pussy," Theodore grunted from his place leaning against his bedframe. Pansy placed a hand on his thigh.

"He is here to monitor you — us," Hermione sighed in frustration, "He wants to prove the Ministry wrong, and I don't think he'd lie to me about something like that."

The door swung open and Ginny walked in, a bottle of firewhiskey in hand, "He's coming."

Everyone nodded, despite Draco's sulking.

"Did he say anything about why my brother is here?" Ginny asked as she sat down with crossed legs, taking a long swig.

"He's childish," Draco blew his hair out of his eyes with crossed arms and a tight jaw, "Wants to be some savior with a hero complex."

"We don't know that-"

Three knocks rang out on the door, and they all looked up towards the entry way.

"I'll get it," Ginny opened the door, and Potter stepped inside.

The moment Draco caught sight of his flaming red hair he rose, wand immediately at his disposal from his pocket, slamming Weasley against the wall with threatening magic to his throat.

He could hear faint shouting behind him, telling him to calm himself and his nerves; to let him go.

"Put it down, Malfoy," Harry exclaimed cautiously, holding out one hand in his direction.

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