chapter thirty four

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December 23rd, 9:00AM

The small apartment smelled of cedar and pine, candles lit across the accent table in the small living room. The Christmas tree lit in the corner was pathetic compared to the one at the Manor, but he had begun to appreciate its minuscule nature. The fireplace blazing besides it made it feel like home.

The breakfast table was silent as Draco and Narcissa sat across from one another, her in a graceful navy blue nightgown, him in plaid pants and a tight white tee with hair that'd yet to be brushed that morning.

Forks clinked and drinks clashed against the wooden surface as they ate to the bustling sound of winter traffic stories below in the street. The carolers down the sidewalk did nothing to break their tension.

"Your father has requested to see you," she said suddenly, swallowing a bite of eggs before placing her silverware delicately besides the plate, blotting the sides of her lips with a napkin.

Draco was silent with tired and drooped eyes, the lump in his heart much like the coal he dreaded receiving as a child. His voice was scratchy like an unevenly hinged door dragging on the floorboards.

"Tell him he can go fuck himself."

He sipped his hot cider and burned his tongue, the cranberry and cloves steeping in the bottom of the mug adding a bitter sweetness to his now scorched nerve endings.

Narcissa sighed, shaking her head as she cleared the table, leaving their empty dishes in the sink.

"Is your suit ironed?" She asked as she pulled a sponge and soap from the cabinet above, scrubbing the China until it retained a clean shine, only to become dirty or dusted again.

Draco nodded with a mumbling noise, returning to his sketch of his bed view in his book of apparently blank pages. The pencil markings had been stained slightly by yesterday's tea, which he'd tried his best to cover with watercolor.

"Is she coming?"

He shook his head, pencil digging into the paper as he redrew the lines, "What do you think?"

She shook her head, blinking towards the window.


The lead tip snapped, scattering the paper in silver chipping.


December 23rd, 7:30PM

Three knocks on their apartment door rapped out just as he finished dressing, combing his hair messily to the side, just enough to seem put together.

"Draco," Narcissa called for him in a soft and steady voice, "Please come to the front door when you're ready."

He tucked her present in his front pant pocket and left for the door, unbuttoning the top three buttons of his dress shirt beneath his black blazer.

Two Ministry agents stood outside, the taller of the two removing his wand from his inner jacket pocket and temporarily releasing her ankle from it's prison.

She'd done well enough out since he'd returned to school that they'd begun to trust her, reintroducing her to life outside of their little apartment complex.

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