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Penelope Valentine woke her niece up the next morning.

The two Valentines saw how busy it was for the dire wolves living in the small village. Even in human form, Lyra Jade noticed how almost all of them looked intimidating. Lyra Jade remembered how she befriended Reverie when they were kids. The young dire wolf really scared her when the girl would not talk to her. Fortunately, Reverie got soft after knowing Lyra Jade and then years later, the former became more clingy than the other. Lyra Jade did not mind though.

Before they could go to where they could meet the others, Grandma Remy called them. Standing beside the old woman was another man. Just like Grandma Remy's hair, the man was sporting a gray, short hair that awkwardly hung over his long, wild face. He has amber eyes and on his lips was a grin that Lyra Jade thought was a little fake.

"This is Viddar, the alpha of our pack," Grandma Remy introduced the man. "He wants to talk to Lyra Jade after having your breakfast."

Penelope glanced at her niece before forcing a smile at the elders. "What for?"

"I heard this girl has a close connection with the Prince, I would like to address something to her regarding that."

Is this another adult telling me to stay away from him or am I supposed to help him with something?

"Sure," Lyra Jade said regardless, "We can talk now if you want to."

Viddar shook his head with a small smile, which Lyra Jade took as the man's attempt to make himself less intimidating to her. "Your friends are waiting for you, Reverie most especially."

"Oh," Lyra Jade smiled. "Okay. I'll see you later then- uh, Mr. Viddar."

Grandma Remy chuckled, her hand covering her mouth like it was the most amusing scene she saw for the last couple of days. "Viddar is my older brother. You can also call him Grandpa Viddar if you want to."

Embarrassed, Lyra Jade looked at her aunt for backup. Penelope understood her and quickly placed an arm over her shoulders. "We'll have our breakfast then."

As they were walking away from the two dire wolves, Penelope patted Lyra Jade's head. "If you are feeling uncomfortable with them, you can tell me or your father. We'll get you out of here in no time."

She smiled at her, appreciating the concern. "I'm okay. I'm just not used to seeing other creatures on a regular basis. First the magic, then a dragon, fairies, now I'm with dire wolves."

"Viddar's pack won't kill a human unprovoked. The dangerous ones are staying away from Sturmfrei. They have their own place near the border. I heard they're even friends with some Vampires."

"Really?" Lyra Jade asked. "No beef like the ones from Twilight?"

Penelope stifled a laugh. "You've watched too many films and series, Lyra Jade. Reality is not the same as what you see in most films. Some are too perfect, some too flawed to make sense."

"Well, we can't really have a perfect world and a perfect life. That's like asking for too much," she said. "But we could try to change it a bit, where everyone benefits."

"Ciel Kingdom can't have that while the current regime is a Lockhart and a Sinclair."

"Are the other Kingdoms like this too?"

"The other Kingdoms already know about the prophecy. They are preparing for the worse, as well." Penelope found their companions at a nearby table. "The Royals from these four Kingdoms knew that it would start in our Kingdom so they are just waiting for the King's signal." She pulled her niece with her to meet the others, who already got them their food.

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