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The morning Jade woke up from her dream, she realized she forgot to ask him something; her, well, ability to move objects.

She knew it could be called Telekinesis – she's watched movies about that; like Matilda or Carrie. What she doesn't know is how she got it, especially since Theodore told her that she's not supposed to have powers when she's born here in – what did he call their place? Land of Terrens? Something like that.

But then Grandma Remy told her about having a mother who's supposed to be a queen and a father who's part of an army, the brother of her known mother so she's still a little bit confused about her whole situation.

Jade didn't go to school with Reverie that morning since she's still hurt that she hid something big from her. She didn't talk much to her father either, knowing that he too has been hiding facts about her real family – if Grandma Remy, Rev, and parallel universe Theodore were telling the truth to her though.

The usual happened at school.

Or so Jade thought.

During their lunch, Agy asked her the question he's been waiting to ask her since he hasn't seen the blonde earlier before classes, which she usually does.

"Maybe she's just too busy with school work." Jade shrugged before drinking her coffee. She couldn't sleep well last night so she needed another cup of coffee that morning.

"You do know Rev is as lazy as you are when it comes to studying?" Agy deadpanned. "So what happened between you two?"

"She.. she's on her period." Jade lied. "Can we just finish our food? Next class is in about 10 minutes."

Agustus knew that Jade was lying since the girls were inseparable but he didn't push Jade to spill anymore. He didn't want Jade to get mad at him to begin with.


Their lunch was interrupted with a boy wearing an oversized black jacket. He was looking at Jade with a serious look on his face.

"What do you want, Hastings?" Jade asked from beside Agy, who was now glaring at Justin.

"Can we talk?" Justin literally didn't acknowledge Agy and his glare, annoying Jade's friend even more.

"Why?" Jade asked while chewing rice. "Lunch is about to end."

"That's why we should talk now if you don't want to be late for our next class."

Agy didn't miss how Justin's doe eyes widened a bit while speaking to his friend. He then looked at Jade, waiting for her answer.

"Alright. Let's get this over with."

Hearing Jade's unexpected response, Agustus turned to her. "Seriously, Jade?"

Jade smiled at Agustus reassuringly, "I'll meet you in our room."

Although feeling betrayed, Agustus nodded his head once and proceeded to go to their room since the only thing he's doing in the cafeteria was wait for Jade to finish her food.

"Where's Burroughs?" was the first question that came out of Justin Hastings's mouth once the two of them got to the computer room, where there aren't any students at the moment.

"Why are you guys asking me where Rev is? Isn't she in her room right now or somewhere in school?"

Justin knitted his eyebrows. "I didn't see her with you today, that's all."

"What? You like Rev now, Hastings?" Jade raised an eyebrow at the boy in front of her. "Cause just a heads up, my best friend doesn't feel the same way you do."

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