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Oleander made their small group wait in a room with nothing but an old couch in the middle of it. Atieno, the other vampire, sat down on the couch lazily while the others remained standing. Not long after that, Fino and Kieran came.

"What room is this for?" asked Jeremiah.

Kieran smirked. "For torturing visitors."

Jeremiah's eyes widened. Lilac and Theodore were instantly on guard. Oleander chuckled behind them as he sat down beside his brother. "This is just a vacant room."

Theodore furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. "Why do we have to stay here?"

"We will stay here until further notice, Prince." Oleander sarcastically replied.

"Are you going to hurt the General and his wife?!" Jeremiah asked.

Atieno and the others snickered. "Why would we? We would not gain anything from that," said the former.

"Then why hold Leila Sinclair captive?" Lilac asked.

"Oh, we are gaining from that. But hurting them right now? It is a waste of time, especially since we need their help."


The vampire brothers exchanged looks, trying to see each other's expressions to see if they could share some information to the prince. In the end, Fino shrugged and gestured for his younger brother to continue.

"We have this unwanted association with a Djinn, and also a pack of werewolves."

"Vampires are supposed to be strong, right?" Jeremiah asked the Prince in a whisper.

Atieno, who heard Jeremiah, rolled his eyes heavenwards. "If you think you are strong, then go fight the Djinn yourself, kid."

Jeremiah glared at Atieno. "So you do not have confidence in yourself?"

Atieno was about to throw a punch when Oleander stopped him by placing a hand on his chest. "We want an alliance."

Watching the scene, Fino and Kieran chuckled like they were watching something interesting.

"Like we want to-" Jeremiah mumbled.

However, Theodore raised his voice to help his friend avoid having another argument with the vampires. "This pack of werewolves, what are they like?"

The vampires started telling them about the particular pack. Theodore was well aware of the descriptions that the vampires told them until Oleander stated something he has been waiting for. "I heard they thrashed a House in your Kingdom. House Castells..." he turned to Atieno with a questioning look. "Am I right?" Atieno nodded.

Theodore stood up. "Are you certain of that?"

"Yes, we actually thought your army would have found them and obliterated them long ago but they are still well and alive around Ciel Kingdom's Old Forest."

"The King has sent thousands of soldiers to find their pack. None of them have successfully reported back. Eventually, the King ordered them to stop." Theodore explained. "But I want to find them."

Kieran wickedly grinned. "So, what was your real intention in coming here?"

"Leila Sinclair," Lilac and Jeremiah answered in chorus.

"Both." Theodore answered.

"The Prince has lots on his plate, I see. Why would you want to save Leila Sinclair?" Prince Theodore refused to answer. "Is it because of her daughter? Leila mentioned that she has a daughter."

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