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"Are you imposing that Prince Theodore will be a traitor to the Kingdom?" Jeremiah asked, feeling disrespected in the Prince's stead.

"I saw it in the future, Blackburn," Philip insisted, Leila held his arm and shook her head. He sighed. "But of course, it could change. I do not know the reason for the Prince's betrayal but just know that if that happens, Jade would completely lose control."

"Thus, Ciel Kingdom's downfall." Lilac concluded with an awkward smile. "If that is the case, then Prince Theodore and your daughter should meet sooner to mend what issues they have in their relationship." She looked at the Prince and met his gaze. "You are planning to meet her, yes?"

"You should come with us, Prince Theodore." Leila suggested, earning a questioning look from Philip. She just nodded at him. "He can talk to her after I heal her."

Theodore's head turned to Leila immediately. "Can you bring back her vision? Can you assure that?"

Leila frowned. "I can try. I have not done any grandeur healing before. I might not bring her vision back."

"It would not hurt to try, right?" asked Theodore, hopeful.

"I think yes, but it will take a lot of her energy." Jeremiah answered.

"I would not mind getting weak so long as it is for my daughter," Leila said softly.

The group dispersed after Leila said her farewells to the children. Theodore, Jeremiah, and Lilac stayed behind so the fairy could sleep and restore her energy to teleport them back to their realm. To cure their boredom, Theodore helped Jareth plan their defense if ever Astra would attack them later that evening. Using his telepathic link, he called his mother to ask for her help in teleporting the children to a safer place when the attack happens. On the other hand, Fino and Atieno were tasked to carry the couple on their backs, much to their dismay, to bring them to where they left Penelope and the others.

Another teary reunion happened when Leila finally saw Penelope, whom she entrusted her daughter for the years she was held imprisoned. On their way back to Penelope's apartment using a portal, all they talked about was Jade - her favorites, her friends, how she treats Penelope's children as her own brothers.

"Do you think she will acknowledge me as her mother?" Leila asked the siblings. "I am sure Penelope did a great job filling my role so I am feeling worried that Jade would not accept me."

"She softened around her father after a few days, she'll warm up faster with you. Kids are like that with their mothers." Penelope winked at her, hoping that what she said would ease her sister-in-law's mind.

"You have a better self-introduction than I had. I am sure she will accept you whole-heartedly, my love." Philip smiled at Leila.

"Your daughter grew up into a wonderful teenager who could be a little lazy to prioritize school sometimes," Penelope said. "That is just like Philip when we were young."

Leila looked at her husband and grinned. "I can see it." The women laughed teasingly, earning an annoyed look from Philip.

"Jade got her stubbornness from you, though." Philip countered.

"And the looks," Penelope added, in aid of Leila.

Philip gasped. "Jade got her good looks from both her parents."

With the small bickering, Philip and Leila had no idea that Penelope had already opened the door to their apartment, the living room already packed with teenagers and kids. On the couch were the Terrenes Theodore and Jeremiah, and Empyreans Agustus and Jinx. On the floor, Reverie was in between the twins while Justin was inside the room with Jade.

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