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Haze and Nazaire were still stifling a laugh while Jeremiah was looking at the girls for their reactions. Jenevieve was just smiling fondly at Theodore, partly sad that she had to see the love of her life getting worked up with a little assumption, partly happy that she got to see that side of him for the first time. Lilith, on the other hand, was checking on her best friend from time to time. She felt guilty as soon as she told them her assumption but seeing that Jenevieve was not hostile about it, she thought she would not have to comfort her friend after they left the Prince's room.

"Are you feeling alright?" Jeremiah whispered to Jenevieve since he was seated in between the girl and Nazaire.

Jenevieve nodded. "I am feeling wonderful, thank you for your concern."

Jeremiah gave her a surprised look. "You sounded quite soft right there. I thought I'd only hear that when you are talking to him." The girl smacked his arm with a small smile. "It is good to see you finally moving on from him, Jen. But to be honest, I was on your side even when the new girl came."

"Yes, Jeremiah, you have told me about that a couple of times already." The two giggled.

Nazaire turned to the smaller guy beside him. "Why are you two giggling?"

"None that you should know of, Castells," Jenevieve smirked at him before turning to Lilith.

Jeremiah leaned to his left, "You should tell her you like her."

Nazaire pushed Jeremiah away from him. "I will tell her after all of these."

Before Jeremiah could reply, Haze cleared his throat. "Prince Theo has more to say."

"I heard what you were talking about with Haze," Jeremiah said.

"You have to stop using your power when it is only us you are with." Lilith told him.

"I cannot help it, Delacroix. I still need more time to get used to this-"

"You have that power for 3 years already, Blackburn." Lilith retorted.

Jenevieve raised her arms in between the two and looked at Theodore. "What is it?"

"Since I will be leaving the Castle..." he trailed.

"You need some of us to guard your father while you are out," Jenevieve stated what the others were expecting. Theodore nodded with a sheepish smile. "I will stay here."

Lilith sighed. "I will stay too but I have to tell my parents first."

"What time will you set out?" asked Jeremiah. "I will go with you. I have a car."

"After breakfast tomorrow. You can go with me if you do not want to attend classes. Hopefully, we will arrive at the place before night falls."

Jeremiah shook his head. "I will go with you. But I could not use my car for that kind of travel. We will need more than my favorite car."

"If you just let the Montgomery's enhance your favorite car, then you can accompany Theo," Lilith sassily told her friend.

"Yes but I'm not asking for any suggestions for now, Delacroix," Jeremiah hissed. Lilith rolled her eyes at him.

"You two should really stop annoying each other," Haze intervened, shaking his head. "If someone likes the other, please just confess." Jeremiah and Lilith were left speechless, the former's cheeks turning a bit red. "No one is confessing?" he continued. "Fine. Prince Theodore, please continue what it is you are sharing."

Theodore immediately nodded and said, "Maybe Lilac could help with the travelling," I know faes still have other powers up their sleeves.

The group planned who'd stay in the Castle and what they could do to distract the King.

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