Chapter Twenty-Four - Daryl

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        The shower is warm and extremely inviting, though I resisted at first. Jakki being in there helps the matter even more. My hands move to her waist as I look her up and down, paying no mind to her scars. Her fingers move through my hair as she shampoos it. I had dipped my head down so it would be easier for her to reach.

"Of all girlfriends you chose the one who is a foot shorter than you. You're guaranteed to have neck problems in the future," Jakki comments.

"To be fair, I didn't really care for other girls this way. Maybe it's your fault for being so damn appealing," I suggest with a small smile.

"Hm, damn me for being so desirable."

        Jakki washes my face off and leaves me to wash my body while she takes care of herself. I stand near the back of the shower and watch her as she rinses the conditioner out of her hair. She shuts the water off and we both leave the shower, wrapping ourselves in towels.

"You know, I never thought I'd date a guy with the sexy v-line to drape a towel over thing going on," Jakki remarks as she brushes her hair. We were now in the bedroom, me on the bed and her in the chair.

        I feel my face get hot as she finishes her comment. I don't feel embarrassed or anything, it's more so flustered, I guess? She thought I had a rather attractive attribute.

"T-thank you," I mumble. I get up and look through the dressers for different clothes because Jakki insisted on washing my usual. I chose a pair of jeans and a long sleeve black t shirt. Jakki has changed into her clothes as well, leggings and a warm button up. She sits up against the headboard and I join her. The comment was still on my mind as I set best to her. "Do you really think you wouldn't end up with someone you found attractive?"

        She looks taken aback by the question, like she didn't expect me to ask her that. She looks at the wall and chews on her lip as she tries to think of what to say.

"Um... how do I put this? All the guys I found attractive were rude to me or only wanted sex. So I'm pleasantly surprised that I found a very attractive man who actually cares for me."

        I nod a bit and look down at my lap. I know she wasn't trying to put herself down but that's how it came off for a moment. "Guys were pricks and they still are."

        She giggles and leans her head on my shoulder. "Some are," she nods in agreement.

        I rest my head against hers, getting a big whiff of her hair products. They still managed to maintain their fruity scent after so long in these conditions. It was nice to have that to come home to after spending a day out in the grimy world. Without a thought, I kiss the top of her head and reach for her hand. She quickly moves her hand in mine. There is such a contrast between our hands. She has soft, porcelain white skin while I have dark, tanned, and leathered hands. Tiny tattoos litter my skin as well while she just has  some really light freckles.

        Jakki adjusts herself so she's closer and almost burrowed into my side. I simply smile and move an arm around her, rubbing her back. This gets me a happy hum and an arm around my torso. We remain like this for a long while. I lean my head back and close my eyes, letting my other thoughts finally cloud my head. Thoughts other than just survival.

        This house is the closest thing I've had to a stable home my whole life, other than what we had at Alexandria. We were out here doing this on our own, not really receiving aid anymore. Someone from the kingdom might try to visit but they can't spare much. It just all feels like what everyone dreams about is finally falling into place for me. The whole nuclear family thing, minus the kids and replace the dog and cat with walkers.

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