Chapter Twenty - Daryl

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       Cigarettes are better after sex. It feels much better somehow. After all that work and pleasure, you reward yourself with some nicotine.

       Jakki laid next to me, curled into my side. The blanket covered her lower half she shielded her top half from me. She looked comfortable and pleased. At least I thought she was.

Soft whimpers came from her as her shoulders shook. It took me a moment to realize they were sobs. I pulled her away so I could see her. Sure enough, her face was wet and blotchy.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I put my cigarette out and rested my hand against her cheek.

She attempted to hide her face as she shook her head. "It's stupid."

       Laying down so I could get down to her level, I pulled her hands away from her face. "I don't think it is. Tell me."

"It's just..." she took a breath. "This is the first time I've had sex and enjoyed it in so long. Just pleasurable, consensual sex." She wiped her eyes and sniffed.

       I nodded a little and kissed her hand. "I understand," I pulled her to my chest. "It's not stupid."

       Her breath was hot on my chest as she sighed. "It felt so good and I really wanted it and..." she trailed off. "I never thought I'd feel that again."

       I rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head. "Hey," She looked up at me. "You're beautiful. Especially during the sex." I smiled softly.

She blushed and reached up to move the hair from my eyes. "Are we not gonna talk about how hot you are?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "Nope. It's all about you."

"Well," She started. "You can have more if you want."

I looked her up and down and bit my lip slightly. The thought was enticing, especially when she was naked right beside me.

"When we get you feeling better, maybe." I kissed her cheek.

She smiled and wiped the rest of the tears from her eyes. She laid on her back, letting her chest be free.

"It feels nice to be naked without the fear of a gross man touching me." She spoke softly.

"I'm a gross man but I'm not gonna touch you unless you want me to."

       She furrowed her brows. "You're not gross. You can get stinky but you're not gross."

       Chuckling, I roll over so I'm on top of her. "What ever you say, love."

       Her fingers found their way to my hair and combed it back. They traced the outline of my beard and my cheekbones. Thoughts started to intrude and I accidentally let out a huge sigh.

"Something wrong?"

       Hesitant to answer, I cocked my head to the side, kind of nudging her hand. "I think I'm kind of a nurturer in this because I was thinking about..." I didn't know how to say it. I just looked down and then back up at her.

"Oh," a small blush tinted her cheeks. "You want to eat me out?"

"If that's what you call it, yeah."

She nodded. "Do you know how?" I felt her shift under my weight.

"I think I have a pretty good idea."

She nodded and sat up just a bit farther, propping herself up on the pillows. "You can do it."

I pecked her lips and then sat up to move the blanket down. She spread to her legs, allowing me to make myself comfortable between them. I looked up at her for more reassurance, earning a nod from her.

Starting with kisses on her inner thigh, I worked my way down to her lips. I kissed the top of her slit before licking it up and down. It tasted salty but sweet. I heard her let out a breath and she squirmed a bit. I held a hand on her thigh and continued. I used my free hand to spread her lips apart, exposing her clit.

I guess it was something she really enjoyed being touched. When I licked around it, she finally let out a moan. I loved the sounds she made and the way she tasted. I found myself licking deeper and sucking on her clit. Her chest heaved and she gently grabbed my hair. She let out a loud moan and whined softly as my actions continued. I stopped and looked up at her.

"Please don't stop." She begged.

I smirked slightly and resumed my actions. Her fingers weaved through my hair and tugged gently at my roots, but pushed me down further at the same time.

Her body shook under my mouth as she reached her climax. Moaning and breathing heavily, she lifted me away from her. I returned to her side and wiped my mouth off. She immediately turned to me and hid her face in my side. If she was gonna do that more often, there's no use in preparing because I loved it.

       I loved caring for Jakki and knowing she's near. She gave me a sense of purpose and want, even need. Rick and the group had given me that but it was all platonic. Maybe I was missing a romantic aspect in my life.

       I scooted down to her level and pulled her into my chest as I pulled the blanket over us. She looked up at me through half lidded eyes and smiled softly.

"I love you." She muttered.

"I love you, too." I held her cheek and kisses her forehead.

       She pulled me down closer to her and kissed me. One of them long ones that leave both parties breathless when it's broken. She presses her forehead against mine and kept her hand against my cheek.

"You're surprisingly good, by the way."

       I chuckled. "Thanks." You know, it wasn't like I had thought about it a lot or anything.

"Do you want me to do you?"

I shook my head. I had about all I needed. I simply laid beside her and pulled her into my chest. Rubbing circles into her back while she traced shapes on my side. I then had a thought.

"Um, can you get pregnant?" We didn't use a condom and I finished inside her.

She sighed and shook her head. "No. Pretty sure those assholes obliterated my uterus."

I nodded and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I don't think I want kids anyway."

I chuckled softly and kept her close. "What do you want?"

"For everything to go back to normal." She mumbled.

"Me, too," I spoke lowly. "But what do you want now?"

She shrugged. "Negan gone, for us to be able to get through this and settle down. Get a kitten."

"A kitten?" I smile softly. "Should have known you were a cat person."

She giggled a little. "They're cute and funny sometimes. It's fun to watch them grow up."

"Maybe. I've never had one."

She peered up at me. "I think you'd like it. You kill animals a lot but you're a bit of a softy. I know it."

       I chuckled. "If we can catch one. If there's even cats anymore."

       She kissed my cheek and snuggled into me before falling asleep. I followed soon after her.

A/N: this chapter kinda sucks and it took forever for me to write but here

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