Chapter Sixteen - Daryl

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I woke up too early the next morning. The sun has barely just begun shining and Jakki was still asleep. I wasn't about to disturb her so I just laid there, lost in my thoughts while Jakki was quietly snoring.

It was odd they there was a king and that the people were so cheerful. It seemed like none of them even knew about Negan or the walkers outside the walls. They were too sheltered and I was worried that if we stayed here too long, we'd get used to being sheltered.

I started thinking of alternative places to stay but placed where we could have water and such. Like a house near a lake and with a gas stove. We could still cook and bathe and all that. I could hunt with Jakki and start a garden that she would probably do a better job with than me. She was the nurturing type, not me.

Most of the houses in the area didn't have that or they were destroyed already.

I also remembered that we'd still have to hide from Negan. I didn't plan to leave Jakki again. She's strong but she didn't look like she was doing too well when I first saw her after I broke out. Her eyes were puffy and she looked like she has lost some weight. She was kinda dependent on me now but I was also dependent on her.

       I carefully turned on my side and removed my arm from under her. I propped my head up in my arm and looked at her still figure, the only movement being her chest rising and falling. She stirred a bit and then moved closer to me, burying her head in my chest.

       I was used to the contact thing but some still surprised me, just like this did. But I calmed down and put an arm around her, rubbing small circles into her back. Her breathing and heart rate were still steady so she wasn't having a nightmare. Good.

        I still think about what happened to her. It makes me scared to leave her alone. I don't want it to happen again. But I felt like I couldn't stop it from happening.

       Jakki let out a soft groan and pulled away from me. She looked up at me with bleary eyes and smiled sleepily. "Morning."

"Morning." I smiled slightly.

       She sat up and stretched her arms while I watched her. She laid back down on her back and looked at me. "Does it feel good to sleep in a bed?"

       My smile grew and I nodded. It wasn't just a bed, it was a bed with her.

"Good." She turned onto her side as reached for my hand.

I held her hand which was considerably small compared to mine. She used her knife and compound bow quite a bit but it didn't show in her hands. They were still soft as ever.

"Sleep well?" She asked.

I nod. "You?" I returned the question, getting a nod out of her.

"So..." She looked at her hands. "Did you enjoy last night?"

I couldn't tell what she was talking about but then I remembered. We made out, got undressed a little, and we stopped there.

"Yeah." I nodded. I wasn't lying. Boobs were nicer than I thought they'd be. "Did you?"

She nodded. "It was a little scary but I enjoyed it." She smiled.

"Good." I smiled back and looked at her.

       I did kinda want more or to just have what we had last night again. She was beautiful to look at and the sounds she made really got me. She also made me feel good about myself. It was a nice feeling.

"You were good." Jakki spoke up. "With the touching and stopping."

"I don't know what to say to that." I let out a low chuckle.

       She smiled softly. "You made me comfortable for that time period. The other thing was not you."

"I know, darling."

       She nodded. "It's still early, isn't it?" She looked out the window.

"Yeah. Barely daybreak."

"We could do it again if you want." She looked at me. "It's something that eventually leads to something."

"Only if you want to."

"I want to."

       I moved my hand to her back and pulled her closer, letting her wrap an arm around me and press her lips against mine. The kiss went in for a while before Jakki broke it.

She moved her lips to my jaw, the contact sending a sensation down my neck. I bit back whatever sound I was gonna make as she continued down my neck.

I watched her make her way down my stomach before coming back up and kissing my lips. She sat up and took her shirt off, setting it down beside her. I stared up at her, admiring what sat before me. I did just see her last night but it felt like the first time all over again.

She laid on her back and motioned for me to crawl over her. I did as told and hovered over her. She smiled up at me and pecked my lips. I gave her a small smile and peppered kisses all over her shoulder and neck and down to her chest. She let out small purrs of pleasure and squirmed a bit beneath me.

I looked up and found her looking down at me while she chewed on her lip. I tried my best to smirk and then I took one of nipples into my mouth and gently sucked and licked. I moved my lips to her other nipple and let my hand take over the one I just left. I pulled and tugged at it as my tongue worked over the other.

She'd let out a soft moan every once in a while and grab my hair a little bit. She eventually left her hand hand there, her finger tips massaging my scalp whenever I'd do something that over whelmed her a little bit.

I made my way up and laid next to her when my jaw got tired. She let me pull her close, her breast pressing against my chest.

"I love you." She said quietly.

"I love you, too." I replied.

She kissed my cheek and looked at me. "Do you like it here?"

I shrugged. "It's okay. The people worry me. How many of them know how to defend themselves and how many know about Negan?"

"That's what I was thinking." She looked away, her brows furrowing a little bit. "Do you think we and the people here would be better off with us living somewhere else? We're kinda putting the people in danger with a price on our heads."

"My head." I corrected her.

"If you go, I go."

I looked at her and sighed softly. "Where are we gonna go?"

"There's a bunch of abandoned houses." She pointed out.

She and I were on the same track, thank god. I nodded in agreement.

"We can look later. We'll let the king know."

Jakki nodded and leaned her head on my chest, letting me rub her back.

We laid and talked for a while before deciding it was time to get going.

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