Chapter Two - Daryl

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"We'll leave tomorrow." Rick said. We had found an abandoned pantry half an hour away and planned to clean it out, to bring the goods to Alexandria.

The doors to the church swung open to show a rough Glenn glistening with sweat and panting.

"We have to... go... now." He panted.

"Go where and why?" Rick asked in his stern voice as he stepped towards the worn out male.

Glenn put his hands on his knees and leaned forward. He caught most of his breath and finally spoke. "That small town with all the warehouses and convenient stores. There's a group of men with one girl. That girl is in trouble."

I looked at him, not sure what to say. I stepped forward a little. "All those guys and one girl?" I raised an eyebrow.

"How did she look?" Rick questioned him.

"Really rough. Filthy, bruised, scared."

"We gotta go." I finally spoke up. I couldn't let a girl out there like that. "Take us there. We'll kill the bastards."

Rick cocked his head a bit and nodded. "Yeah, yeah. We gotta go." His eyes darted to the ground and back to Glenn. "Get one of the vans."

Glenn did as Rick said. In a few minutes he had a van ready and we were headed to the location.

When we got there, Glenn made a quick check before coming back to us.

"They're all just sitting around, one of them is with the girl."

"I'll kill the guy with the girl. I'm a good shot and I won't get her. You and Rick start on the others."

Rick nodded. "Sounds good." He walked and grabbed a fully loaded gun from the back of the van. Glenn followed in pursuit. He lead us to where he had been spying on them.

I looked right at the girl who was sitting by this flea bitten bastard in a beanie. He had his arm around her and was kissing her neck. Her gaze was locked on the ground, her expression blank like she had just given up.

I growled slightly and aimed, firing right into his head. The girl looked at what was left of her assaulter and gasped, her eyes widening as she brought a hand over her mouth.

The other men started clamoring, struggling to get to their weapons. Before they could even aim, Rick and Glenn were firing at their heads. The few men that were there made it easy and quick to take them all down.

The girl remained silent during the whole thing, just watching us take down her abusers. She had pushed the dead body off of her and was now walking around, studying the others.

I watched her bend down and pull something from one of their pockets, tucking it into her own. She stood and kept her head down as she walked and picked up a backpack.

"Hey... you want to come with us?" Glenn asked, breaking the silence.

She looked at us with wide eyes, darting between us all.

"We have a community not far from here." Rick tried using his best comforting voice. "We have food, shelter, other women. You can do what you want. It's almost like before."

Her tense shoulders relaxed. She nodded a little and looked back down.

"Alright. C'mon." I nodded towards the exit and lead her to the van. I opened the door to the van for her. She crawled to the far back and looked out the window.

The trip back home was quiet. The girl never spoke a word. I was starting to kinda like her, honestly. She didn't talk too much.

"We're here." Rick parked and got out.

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