Chapter Twenty One - Jakki

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       I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I grumbled a bit and looked around the room. Empty. I get up and put my clothes on before going downstairs and looking out the kitchen window. Daryl was coming back with a string of squirrels.

I guess he wasn't expecting me to be awake because he almost jumped a foot when he walked in and found me.

"Shit." He muttered.

"Did I scare you, Mr. Dixon?" I watched him drop his bag and then the squirrels on the counter.

"Pfft," he scoffed. "Nothing scares me." He winked a little and pulled me into a hug.

I grinned and hugged him back. I looked up at him and pecked his lips. "Have fun?"

"As always. Caught us breakfast, possibly lunch."

"We can make it last for lunch. I don't eat much in the morning," I looked at the pile of bloody squirrels. "If this wasn't the end of the world, I'd be bitching at you for getting my counters bloody."

       He chuckled and picked up the dead rodents. "I'm gonna go clean these. I'll be back." He kissed my cheek before heading back out.

       I wiped up the few specks of blood and tossed the rag in a pile of clothes to wash at a creek or pond. I then looked at the stove and noticed it was gas. Curious.

I poked my head out the door and look at Daryl. "Hey, guess what?"

He looked up from his squirrels, the blood trailing halfway up his forearms. "Hmm?"

"We have a stove." I grinned. "No campfires for meals."

He raised an eyebrow and picked up his squirrels when he finished the last one. I showed him the lighting of the stove with a match and smiled. "I guess the gas never got turned off."

"Maybe they have their own. And their own water too," Daryl muttered. "Stay here." He left abruptly.

After waiting for about ten minutes, he came back. "There's a well and pump about fifty yards away. It should work." He walked over to the sink and turned it on. The pipes creaked and groaned.

Red water came puttering out of the faucet, causing me to groan. "I know it's just rust but, ugh."

"That'll go away." Daryl shrugged and looked at me. "Looks like we have water, too."

I grinned. "I'm gonna go turn the others on and let them run for a bit to get the rust out."

After running around the house to every faucet and turn it on, including letting the washing machine run, I came back to Daryl frying the squirrels.

"Damn, I don't think I've ever seen you so happy."

"Um, we have showers and running water. I'm fucking fantastic. And a stove!"

       He laughed and shook his head. His laugh was so cute. "Look at you being a little old woman."

"What? It feels nice to feel human. And it feels like we're newly weds with our own house."

"Newly weds?" He furrowed his brows. "We're not married."

"I know, but it's exciting! That's the only thing I could think of."

He smiled and handed me a bowl of meat. "There's also carrots if you want that."

We got our food and sat at the table. I had a feeling that was today was gonna be a good day for us.

"You know, we could start a garden or something. That would be fun." I looked at him.

He paused mid-chew. "I don't know how to keep up a garden."

"I do. I used to help my dad every summer," I took a bite. "We could have watermelon, squash, tomatoes. I'm tired of canned bullshit."

He nodded and continued eating. "I'll keep hunting. I know we can't keep animals without you getting emotionally attached."

I smiled. "We can get a goat and/or cow for some milk. I've always wanted that."

"That sounds good. But pigs have no use other than meat so we can't get one."

"I know." I pouted. "Chickens for eggs!"

"If we can find any of this. Don't get your hopes up, baby."

       I nodded and kissed his cheek before collecting our dishes for washing. He sat at the table and watched me. I could feel his eyes burning into my back. I didn't mind.

       After I was finished, I put the leftovers away and took a look around the room. "Electricity would be so cool, man."

"I dunno. The candles are nice." Daryl stands. "You look pretty in them."

"Awe," I walk to him and wrap my arms around him. "You nerd."

"Your nerd." He held my arms and kissed my forehead.

I grinned and pecked his lips. "What did I do to deserve a sweet boyfriend?"

       He shrugged. "You were there, I found you. Love at first sight."

"You believe in that?"

"With you, yeah."

       I smile softly. "I'm kinda sad to say that I didn't. But I was also scared of just about every man. But I did fall in love with you."

       He stroked my arm with his thumb. "I'm glad you did. And I'm glad I let myself have you."

       I looked at him before pressing my lips against his. "I don't remember getting a real kiss today."

"Hmm, I didn't either. I will make up for the lost kisses later."

       I grin and peck his lips. "What should we do today?"

"Well, it's only about nine, maybe. We can make a run after lunch. Let's just hang out here until then."

       I nodded. "I think I saw some puzzles and games. Maybe we can do those to past the time."

"Or... cuddle and talk?" He cocked his head to the side and made slight puppy eyes.

"Damn you," I grinned. "Lead the way!"

       He grinned and pulled me to the couch before flopping down on his back and pulling me with him. I giggled as I landed against his chest.

"You're lucky you're so cute." I kissed his nose.

       He held my hips and shook his head. "Nah, I'm not cute."

"You are, now hush." I put a hand over his mouth. He gave me that "Oh, really?" Look and licked my hand.

       I made a face and pulled it away. "Gross." I wiped my hand on his shirt.

"I've literally had my tongue in your mouth and that's what grossed you out?"

"It's different! It feels weird and leaves that weird smell."

       He shook his head. "You're so picky. You taste salty, like your attitude."

       I gasped and shook my head. "I can't believe you have a side like this." I laughed.

"A side like what?"

"Calling me salty like you did? I never thought you'd do that."

"I can be sassy." He shrugged. "You're not the only one."

       I nodded. "I like it." I sit up and straddle his waist.

       He smiled up at me and kept his hands on my hips. "I love you, dork."

"I love you, nerd."

A/N: hey! It's been a while. I started my senior year of high school and life has been a bit crazy for me. I'm trying to get back into my old routine, can't make any promises!

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