Chapter Five - Jakki

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       I woke up the next morning to the sun shining in through the window. I felt a small weight on me and realized it was a blanket. I guess Daryl put it over me. He didn't even try to touch me.

       I sat up and pushed the blanket off, making a trip to the bathroom. When I came back out, Daryl was there, causing me to jump.

"Didn't mean to scare ya." He mumbled. "I was just gonna tell you that we're going on a run. I'll show you who you can go to if you need anything."

       I wanted to go on that run with them. I actually knew how to defend myself. I was just alone when a bunch of guys came up to me. I had a weapon but they took it. A compound bow and a Bowie knife. I didn't retrieve those when Daryl, Rick, and Glenn killed them. I only cared about my dad's pocket knife. I needed to get the hell out of there.

"No. I'm going with you." I looked up at him. He looked down at me with that blank expression of his.

"No offense, but you're not doing too well right now. Can you even defend yourself?"

"I was alone when they found me. They came at me all at once. Their strength against mine was an obvious win for them. I can shoot a bow and I can use a knife. I can't just stay here."

       He looked at me for a second. "Fine. It's your funeral." He started down the stairs. "C'mon. I'll take you to the armory."

       He led me to the armory. There was a woman, bigger, like me, with glasses. She still kept a small smile even in the midst of all this. She introduced herself as Olivia and gently shook my hand.

"We took what those bastards had. Maybe you can find your stuff here." Daryl informed me.

       Olivia lead me to the back where they had the bows and quivers of arrows hanging. Below it was a table of knives. I scanned the table until I found the familiar 15 inch knife encased in a red buffalo hide sheath. I picked it up and clipped it to my waistband. I looked up to see my bow staring right down at me. I took it down along with a quiver full of arrows.

       I met Daryl back at the entrance. He gave Olivia a nod before walking to the gate. There was a large truck waiting for us along with Rick.

       Rick walked towards us. "What's she doing?"

"She wanted to come."

       Rick looked me up and down. "Are you sure you want to do this?" All he got was a simple nod from me.

"She gave a pretty fair argument, I guess. A bunch of guys against one girl." Daryl shrugged. "This was her stuff before it happened."

"Fine, she can come." Rick walked back to the truck and I followed him. I opened the back door and hopped in while Daryl and Rick got in the front. Some of my cracked ribs still hurt but I didn't say anything. I'll live.

       The gates opened and Rick drove out. He and Daryl discussed places they were gonna hit on this trip and I kept my eyes fixed out the window. We eventually parked in a neighborhood that looked like it had barely been touched. We all hopped out of the truck and a walker stumbled towards us. Rick and Daryl looked at me.

"Prove that you can handle yourself." Rick demanded.

       I left my bow and quiver in the back of the truck and took out my knife. I walked to the dead one and drive the knife into it's skull before jerking it right back out. I tucked the knife away and walked back to them, picking my other weapon back up.

"Well." Rick looked at me. "She doesn't lie."

       I could feel Daryl's eyes piercing into me as I turned away from them and walked to the front of the truck, taking a look around. "Where first?"

"Your pick." Rick walked to my side. "We'll get them all eventually."

"Here." I chose the house on my right.

       We got down to the last house. We were in he process of clearing the house when it all went to shit. Somebody decided to lock the whole family and half the neighborhood in the master bedroom.

       I swung open the door just to have my eyes water from the smell of death and decay. Then the bodies cane tumbling out. "Shit!" I ran down the hall and to the stairwell. I made it down a couple steps before climbing over the banister and jumping down. Members of the reanimated dead toppled down the stairs, slowing them all down.

       I stared at them as I struggled to stand. I landed on my foot in a funny way, spraining it. I felt two strong arms scoop me up and carry me outside. Rick ran out after, shutting the door behind him. I now laid in Daryl's arms, my arms wrapped around his neck.

"Are you okay? Are you bit?" Rick questioned me.

       I shook my head. "I'm fine. Let me down." I felt my legs lower to the ground. I let out a whine as a sharp pain went up my left calf.

"I don't think so." Daryl picked me back up and carried me to the truck. I sighed in defeat and let him. He set me in the back of the truck and closed the door. I crossed my arms and looked out the window as we made our way back.

       Daryl carried me to the doctors house where he told me I just had a sprain. He wrapped it up and offered me pills. I refused them, telling him to save it for someone who actually needed them.

       I used crutches to get back to the house, not wanting Daryl to carry me again. I didn't mind being carried by him. I was just insecure about my weight.

       Getting up the stairs was the worst of all. The crutches dug into my armpits as I went up. I sighed in relief as I was finally able to just sit on my bed and rest the crutches against the wall. I closed my eyes and leaned my head down as my body relaxed as much as it could.

"You did good out there today." A low voice came from my doorway. I looked up and it was Daryl.

"I got hurt. That wasn't very good."

"You did better than most. You didn't die." He rolled an apple around between his hands. "Eat." He put the apple on my nightstand. "While you still get to." And, with that, he left.

       I took the apple and ate it. It was the highlight of my day. You know, besides being picked up by Daryl.

       He was attractive, there's no denying that. But I don't know if I can trust him. Men in the apocalypse aren't the same as before.

       Daryl seemed like someone who knew wrong from right. He had a certain tone of disgust when he talked about my assaulters. He was just different from everyone else, as well. He kept to himself, he wanted to help, he looked like an ass but he still had a caring nature about him.

       I left my apple core on the table and laid back, pulling the blanket over myself. I stared at the ceiling and tried to think of anything else but how it felt to be in Daryl's arms. I failed.

       I felt secure and like nothing could happen to me there. His arms were enticing. But I still felt panicky in them. I hated those men for what they did to me. It had me scared that I could never trust anybody again. Not even him.

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