Dear Vivi

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My dear, who are you?

You stare at this cursor like it's a memoir in a sad museum commemorating a memory now gone

"Too soon"
"so sad"

it was sad... wasn't it?
you're so sad,
aren't you?
You say circling the drain,
I say your toilet waterfalls the same damn way it always has you just changed states not countries.

stop acting like your mountains are volcanoes spitting ash and smoke out like it's your goddamn obligation,
Stop smoldering them.
It's over now.

Slide your kicks onto your smudged feet, feel the rubber snapping, sticking on the sappy floor
you made a mess of your most shining attributes.

you hold your flashlight timidly over the barrel of the gun not sure if the room is clear yet.

you jump and twitch and punch the air only to find out you heard nothing more than your own breath,

You are scared.
You are hated.

You have been violated to the point of exhaustion, so physically and mentally malleable that the simplest mistake could be the cause of your entire morning,

Stop mourning.

Clench your teeth until nothing comes up but the foam from an attempted spit.

Quit acting like you're the only place left to go on earth when goddesses build castles and canyons around you.

cut your knees on the pavement and patiently watch the blood coagulate.
Calmly wipe your welts.

nobody is left to sheepishly weep for the cries of a wolf.

Your howls have heart to them now.

Keep your throat from drying,
And close your mouth.

Let vines grow, uprooting through your muscles as you lay so perfectly still
Nurture the soil with your eyes
Be what they all wanted you to be.

Disappear from the shadow, you are just a coat.
Disappear from the window, you are just a branch.
And just this once,
be silent.
You never satisfy.

-Somebody Else

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