dress up

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the room would spin

and my body was a home i was no longer welcome in

built walls around me because the laughter was too loud

different was bad.

i was sad but i never told

hiding the feelings behind closed doors sealed with locks or firm holds

it was a masquerade

and whoever had the prettiest red dress won the prize

my dress was blue

as was my heart and my hands and my eyes

but i didn't cry

i saved that for behind my mask

and each time it was plastered with more feathers and glitter to cover the past

it was a constant loop of that same day over and over

the same girls always won

the same red dresses were perfect and vibrant.

but i would never have a pretty red dress

so instead i wore a red heart like a badge beneath my skin

id never win

but then one day the world changed

the sky was as blue as me

but a whisper altered it to a pastel purple

one Person.
one Person said they liked my dress today.

and i still did not win

but all of the sudden a flood of emotion
bombarded my heart with all kinds of colors

whether your escaping your fears
or drowning in your own tears

just know that their are people who feel your pain

and are ready to grasp your arm and pull you off the edge

and show you the mirror that reflects each shimmering gemstone on you're beautiful blue dress.

being different is good

it feels so good to have friends

not the ones grasping red dresses off the hanger hooks

but the ones who love you for whatever color you wish to wear.


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