Locked up

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prisoner of the absence of a nightlight
prisoner of the absence of you
My arms dream of you
But the rest is stiff with fright

Drowning thickly under numbing cream drip
They rain so violently, tears
I am not hydrated enough to find tears
Extract your breath from my lip

butterflies host pins upon their chests
I feel only the stab against my stomach
And the moment of a churning stomach
Is when I see exactly where her arm rests

She. unaware of the pain your touch presents
I hope she. Is loud enough
I hope she. Is careful enough
Oblivious is she. That he collects masks

If I could I would I should I need to
I must warn her. Before she. Did this.
slick and quick and sick. You know this.
I know this. But she doesn't know who

Their will be a night where you look at her and say "are you sure?" like she has a choice. Their will be a night where your grip strangles her soft innocence, leaving little prints against her skin. Their will be a night where you take advantage of her sadness. And their will be a morning where you get annoyed by her shame. Unfortunately, you will only be satisfied by pleasure. And unfortunately, I was drained of every ounce of enjoyment because I gave it all to you. I hope she doesn't make my mistakes. It's a dangerous game, petting a lion. He tends to bite the hands that ask him to please stop begging to be fed. He tends to trick the world into thinking he is brave, and kind. But their are much worse intentions on his mind.

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