How are you feeling

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I feel tiny
Like a glistening reflection
On a single grand of sand
That does not gain enough affection
From the average eye

I feel useless
Like a slashed out rubber wheel
On a junkyard pile
That no one would ever steal
Because it's an absolute fucking mess

I feel insecure
Like a child without a strap's safe tug
On the seat of a car
That no one ever cared to hug
'Cause she's too fussy to be pure

I feel empty
Like pooling sink with a suckling drain
Under the dim lighting of a kitchen
Because dishes clamored like the train
That left me

The knives are shelved
And I'm gone
Yet the dew still stains the lawn
On the very next day

Sun PoisonedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang