Best Selling Novel

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I look at you
Trying to discover
What I am looking at

Fold corners at the pages I want to go back to
Read into more intently, with more intensity
You are knowledge
You are ripe, new thoughts arising

I want to speak volumes against your chest
I feel at rest beneath your soft skin
Musk and magnificence in your scent
You lay out life and haven't lied

I'm trying to fight the fear
Fear bubbling up my throat as I choke
Fear that grips me like a fucking fox's hungry jaw.

A sly, sneaking pack of foxes
Sneaking in, out, and around me
Tails furrowed and teeth barred
I used to think they were smiling at me

But they are lessons learned
They are echos
And you are ears
The way you touch them, a tinge of anxiety

I ease you from your stress
Melt you like butter
That we create delicious cookies with
You are
Coming home to a home cooked meal
Radiance, and abundance.
A bucket list of pure happiness, and little regret
A step
Towards being me without the little strings
Being me
Without being yanked
By my hairs on the back of my neck.
Being free.

I will write about us someday in the city.
I will write about us, and I will be a best seller.

I like this cellar.

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