Sippy Cup

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Sippy cup sings a symphony,
smuggling and smartening away youth.
Sipping, the sippy cup slips discreetly.
Sore hands, his decomposing tooth;

He is so young.
The red race car covered sippy cup,
shivering and sweating from the sun,
dribbling drool, counteracting as a catch cup.

Sippy cup says grow up.
Spill and stamper, but stay stuck.
You better balance the cup.
Balance, composure, and a little bit of luck.

Contents of the sippy cup slop,
revealing sloshing black chunks,
bubbling gunk.

An inevitability,
shocking everybody
but me.

Imprisoned with what mommy poured,
his lid liquidating plastic, like
overheated soup in a tupperware tub.
Sippy cup is burning up,
but holding him hurts more.

A cylinder with limited volume,
he only holds so much.
Rubber top is chewed and ruptured
to an incompetent form of crumbles.

Sippy cup will soon abort,
and then that leaves the child,
cupping its mouth for a kiss of comfort,
clutching for senses of compassion.

Coughing till its structure crooks,
clicking as it collides with floor,
sippy cup drops and drops and drops.
Sippy cup withers more.

Sippy cup still stuck soaking.
I drown, but keep him floating.

Dishwater mother's daughter sinks in;
I am sinking.

don't leave me.

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