Spacing Out

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I am talking to a wall

I am talking to a wall and she is patient

Mumbling hymns and nuances about them.

Wall says, 

"She laughs about your body."

Wall says,

"She thinks about you constantly."

Wall says,

"You, devilish and deceptive you."

Wall has ears.

Wall hears peers,

and wall says,

"You suck her like a leech."

I am talking to the wall

I am talking to the wall

And the wall says,


Paint peeling and revealing a naked form.

She is hung with a gargantuan mirror.

Wall circles you with vultures

Wall reevaluates your zodiac sign

Wall digs into your fears

Wall snickers and she sneers

and wall says,

"She's kissing every part of him."

I am walking through a labyrinth of walls.

I am walking through a loud labyrinth.

Screaming and simultaneously stimulating.

Suddenly I forget again,

that I am trying to have a conversation.

Boy says,


Boy says,

"Where'd you go?"

Boy says,

"You seem low."

But a wall caves in

and the walls cave in

and the labyrinth leaks insulation.


Take me out of this wicked fantasy,

where walls have organs.

and bones.

and heartbeats.

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