missing child report

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I wish I could find the girl I used to be
The one who wasn't me
The one who pinned flowers in hair

A gentle heart was there
One that would glide
into a steaming hot shower
Simply to wash her body clean

I wish I could find the girl I used to be
In a pew you would see
The innocence of folded hands

Legs crossed so tightly
Purely retracted from society
So fresh, and detached
Overlapped, not yet sacrificed

This new girl is not me
Not recognizable by a new reflection
what was once a shimmer
Now a gouging glaze of dew

she is dark, and demonic
holding death like her baby
cradling a shock wave
Of mass destruction

where is
twirling hair upon index finger

where is
perky smile squeezed against cheeks

where is
tippy toes to reach the sink

where is
the sweet, beautiful child?

she slit herself away
and she admitted this today

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